The lady that I had such an interesting time doing massage on, on the 17th, came back today. This was neat because she had been searching for a therapist, and her last one had hurt her. She told me that she felt sore for two days afterwards. She said that with all I pounded her on her last visit, she hadn’t felt sore at all. Cool. Well, that is what I aim for. This time, she had some of the same problems, but had some new ones that came down to energy.
Now, this person had several surgeries. One was for hernia repair, and the other dealt with a problem in her jaw. The jaw surgery (I believe) is the cause of her TMJ. She also has fibromyalgia. Now, most of these types of problems (TMJ, fibromyalgia) are caused by other things, like surgery.
I was very impressed with one of our teachers in school who does Myofascial massage. This type of massage is mostly energy work. She took the student who actually has fibromyalgia, and started with a specific hand position. This started a feeling in another part of her body, which prompted the teacher to go there and do another position, which led her elsewhere, and on and on. When she hit the end, she was at a scar from an appendectomy.
As we have been taught, the body remembers any trauma that has happened to it. This trauma could include incisions from surgery. That is why Myofascial includes in its repertoire, a thing called scar release. It releases the energies form the scar, and loosens up the tissues a bit. (I have done something similar with energy only.)
Even though I don’t know this style of massage (I will be taking it in February), I do feel that I am a little bit gifted with energies. I took a hand position at the shoulders that felt right, and just waited. My client told me she was getting a sensation in her leg. I then went there. This went on for five or six different positions. But then it led me back to the one I started with. It had led me around in a circle. So, for today, I gave up on going further with this, and cleared all her energy pathways.
Hopefully, the next time she comes in, I’ll be able to go a little farther.