Okay. I've waited long enough. I feel I need to sound off again. I don't do this very often (uh huh, right). So, maybe I do, but it's still time to do it again.
Now kiddies, this is how it starts...
I was talking with a friend online again (it seems like I never use the phone), and she was telling me of the things she was finding out with a pendulum. She was getting readings from people's chakras, and then was working with her mother.
My friend knows that she has four guides. While working with her mother or grandmother, she felt that there was a presence in the room. She knew this because the pendulum never spins unless it is over someone’s chakras. At this time, it was not near any chakras and was spinning like crazy. She kept asking questions of the pendulum, getting yes or no answers (this is what one does with a pendulum, getting direction is another). She got the answer that there was a presence there. She asked the spirit to make the pendulum move differently, and it stopped dead. After asking more questions, she was able to determine that the spirit was her mother’s godmother.
Basically, she was doing very well. She was getting answers. A pendulum will give answers, but it is dependent on the psychic ability of the person using it.
We signed off while she went for dinner. About an hour later, she came back on and was very upset. Her father had found out that she was using a pendulum. He totally freaked out. He claimed that she was working with agents of the devil. He said that whatever thing she was talking to, it was lying to her and that she was drawing evil into the home.
Ok, first, how does he know? What tells him that what he thinks is happening is happening? I'll tell you what tells him that... Fear!
Needless to say, my friend is upset. She is having great doubts. She is questioning everything she has learned to do ethereally. She was ready to throw away all her connections to the psychic realm, and be 'normal'. Hmmm, sounds familiar. Now where have I heard this before? Having been through something like this, I knew exactly where she was.
Soapbox time now...
What is it about the training people get either in school, or in religions that don't allow them to think? Why are they taught that there is only one way, and not to be open minded and use their intelligence to determine their correct way?
Why is it that the first thing people do when they encounter something they don’t know is to fear? For decades we’ve seen science fiction movies made where we should always be afraid of the aliens because they always want to kill us. These pieces of fiction simply depict the way people react. They have to fear before they can think. Shoot first, and ask questions later. Duh!
There are peoples on this planet that learn the same thing generation after generation, century after century. There is no room for anything new, nor is there allowing free thought or free will. (Even the Source doesn’t mess with free will.) With this type of dogmatic allegiance, it’s no wonder that there are so many people’s fighting each other on this planet.
The bad thing is that I’m not talking about any third world nation. I’m talking about people in every town in this country. People that cringe at anything they don’t understand, and immediately decide that it’s the devil’s work. Let’s be afraid. Let’s scorn it. Not, let’s look at it and make an educated decision. No, no, no. That would be too hard. That would take more thought than most of these people have. It’s far easier to run and hide and then make these new things and the people that practice them outcasts. I’m sorry, but whatever happened to ‘love thy brother’?
I heard a song recently (‘A Message Song’ by Stephanie Pakrul) that followed a character through centuries looking at peoples and how they behaved and acted. Most especially, the character looked at people controlling other people using hate and violence. The character kept seeing the same things happen century after century, and said that ‘after all these centuries, people might have changed, changed just a little bit’.
Unfortunately, people didn’t change. People didn’t learn. We try to create and follow ideals where people are equal and deserve justice, and are treated fairly, and deserve to live. What we keep seeing is hate and violence based in greed, ignorance, and dogmatism. I agree with the character. People should have changed. Maybe we need people that can think for themselves, and be teaching something other than dogmatism. After all, the world has changed. Shouldn’t what we teach change with it?
As for my friend, she will go through a lot of what I have gone through this year. She will have to step back, and question everything she’s been doing. She may want to not use her gifts any more. But when we do something like that, our gifts come back with a vengeance, and we can’t ignore them. So, she needs to learn to live with them, and use them properly. When she is ready, she’ll be back. And she’ll be stronger and more secure, as I am.
And in the words of Dennis Miller... but that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.