I went down to Orlando today to walk through the dealer’s room... er... exhibitor’s hall (they only call them dealers rooms at science fiction conventions) at the Florida State Massage Therapy (FSMTA) convention. I must have misplaced the registration form that supposedly came in April, so I really couldn’t go to the other functions. The dealer’s room was interesting, and I got some good bargains.
There were lots of massage equipment, as well as oils and lotions and other care products. There were companies giving out information on classes to be taken at seminars. There was music for massage and meditation. But one that I liked best was the t-shirt seller.
They had some neat t-shirts. The one’s I bought were...
Massage Therapy: Healing Art since 3000 B.C.
One had Japanese characters meaning... Touch, Healing, Balance, Massage.
Another showed a frantic frowning stick figure on the front with the caption ‘Before Massage’. On the back is a normal smiling stick figure with the caption (of course) ‘After Massage’.
The one I loved because I thought it was me entirely reflected massage with e sci-fi theme. It showed a flying saucer that had landed with two aliens getting out. One alien was holding its back the other its neck. The caption... ‘Take us to your massage therapist’.
Cute huh?