What is the trick? Are there so many mundane people on this planet that don’t feel anything around them. Are so many people so focused or just so blind?
I was in the store earlier today, one of the warehouse club stores. It was pretty crowded with several lines open and many people in each line. There were also many people moving about the store shopping for groceries and other things. I think if I could have stood back and watched, instead of trying to get my own shopping done, the sight would have been hilarious.
I’ve never seen such a collection of people that acted like they were the only ones in the store. At one point, I was trying to get around this one person that needed to walk his cart in the middle of the aisle at a slow pace. There was not enough room to get around him and I didn’t want to seem rude and bump into him. Also being separated by the distance of my own shopping cart, it made it difficult to ask him to move aside. Suddenly, he stopped. I stopped also. He stood there like there was no one else in the world.
There was another situation where this gentleman and I wanted to turn into the same row, him having to turn left in front of me to do it. I was kind and stopped so he could go ahead. As he turned, blocking the aisle completely, he stopped and looked at something on the end cap for several moments, completely ignoring me. Yes, we’re back to the local and global view thing again.
Are groups of people just rude or just oblivious to everything around them. Ok, so this has turned into a rant, or at least partially. Now, I know that I’ve been accused of having my head up some particular orifice, or completely focused locally that I’ve not noticed those around me. This does not happen very often as I try to keep aware of my surroundings.
What one can do to stay aware is to utilize energies around themselves. As I’ve said somewhere else, my wife and I used to follow this local band when we lived in Maryland. This was mostly due to her boss being the lead singer. When a slow dance would come, I’d close my eyes and put a blue circle around us (it does not have to be blue, but that was what color worked for me). If anything entered that circle, it was like something coming on a radar screen. Another way to look at it was that someone was pushing their way into the ‘bubble’. Feeling this, I changed direction.
Now when I’m in grocery stores, I don’t use the blue bubble, but I can spread out energies that work like feelers. Visualize tendrils of smoke floating around you. When something moves into the smoke, you know about it. I’m not saying to concentrate on it, but to just let it be there, and know that it is.
A more simpler thing is to act like you’re in a car. Before you plow through to go over to something, look both ways. I guess I’m looking to make a safer more pleasant shopping environment for everyone.
Let’s be real, if things are this way now, even I will be avoiding the malls when December rolls around.
Take care now, and please shop gently.