It’s been a few nights since I last talked to Dante. I saw him online tonight and asked how things have been. The news was not good.
Dante told me that the place was clean for a night, and then things started going wrong, not only for him, but for his sister living in her own house. He told me that the following happened...
- He still sensed something there.
- It showed up at his sister’s house.
- Neither of them could sleep that night.
- His sister saw herself being raped by a figure in a dark cloak, and her son woke up screaming (for 15 minutes straight).
- His sister was not surprised as a similar thing had happened before.
- She is currently re-sealing her home. She said all her symbols were still bright so she is still protected, but he got in anyways
- Her son's guides are even watching over him and sealing his room and the thing still got to him
- Dante could pretty much see something back again last night. His gut is saying that this is not the source of the problem, it is just a messenger. “I think the entity is trying to make me mad by going after my nephew and sister so he can sway me easier.
- His cat even felt something.
- The woods near him are ancient and chaotic... negative... very much so.
- He wonders how it keeps coming back in the house... there must be a portal somewhere.
Wow. This floored me. Let’s look at it in pieces first. Whatever this entity is, it can do a lot. It can get in shielded areas, at least areas shielded by whatever means were used. (Dante said that his sister had used the symbols to protect her son’s room. This is protection in some other means than what I do. At the same time, it got into Dante’s house which I shielded, so it doesn’t seem to matter what shielding was used.) This entity can do a lot of things to bother people if it wants. It has created a lot of fear, which may be what it wants, or a by-product of what it is trying to do.
If they are living next to an area that is purely evil, then they are too close for comfort, obviously. It makes it more difficult to do anything without attracting what’s out there. It makes me wonder if one can create a strong enough protection to keep that which wanders those woods away.
The part that bothers me the most is that Dante feels this ‘thing’ that is menacing him is simply a messenger. That means that there is something pulling the strings, but not getting close. And if that something can be this powerful pulling the strings at this distance, how powerful is it in person? And trust me, I really don’t want to find out in person.
Now if it is just sending in projections (as I am), then they might not be doing much more than being, while everything else is coming from the ‘source’ itself. Once it has a chunk inside the shields, it can do anything. Thinking along that line, I’ve been able to get in most shields I’ve found, and I’m nothing. So I imagine that this thing can get through shields without blinking. At the same time, maybe there is a vortex portal in the house.
Not knowing what else to do, I recleansed Dante’s house, and then his sister’s. I reshielded each place, and double shielded Date’s nephew’s room. I put into the shield properties a way for it to block portals into the houses. I’m hoping it works.
Dante said that he felt better. I’m hoping that things hold. Before signing off the IM, I gave him my phone number and told him to call if he needs me. I’m not sure what more I can do, but I’m here if he calls.