May 14, 2004

I finally talked with Dante tonight, and (thankfully) things are ok.

According to him, several things happened. My shields held (don’t ask me why, but they did). That gave him the breathing space to get with is aunt and figure out what the problem was. During this time, he took Reiki 2. This was when she noticed what he needed. He needed some affirmations to reconnect him with is deity.

Dante seems to be a very strong power. He is learning. But he is strong, even now. This could be what the dark entity wants. That’s what Dante thinks, that the entity wants to turn him to the dark side. I just don’t know. He could very well be right.

At any rate, once he had reconnected, the darkness left as it couldn’t touch him. Cool. I guess it comes down to believing that you can connect to your deity and then believing that you have and are protected. As I keep hearing, darkness can’t exist in light.