For a few years now, I’ve been working on meditations to be put on CD.
They’ve been written for a while, modified and rewritten. Initially, I had talked with someone in Canada to write the music for the background. (I can do the words, but writing and performing music is way beyond me.) in talking back and forth, and listening to samples, and finally finding one I liked took some eight or nine months. The composer backed out a couple months later.
Last year, I was sent to see someone in south Florida who recorded my voice tracks, and came up with music, and actually created what he thought was a final copy. Unfortunately, they had problems. I was also promised the voice tracks and the music track separate from everything else. But those never came, and I’m not getting any calls back from the person that did the work. For this I paid over $500. Time wise, I lost another year.
I have felt for a long time that these meditations could help people. But I keep running into road blocks that keep it from happening. This time I also lost money for the effort. I’m starting to wonder if I should be pursuing this or not. One minute I’m very close to giving up, and the next, I see someone that is in need.
Well I’ve made a decision. I will look for a composer until the end of the year. By then I want to have a completed copy of each. If not, then I’m going to give up on the project.
So, if anyone out there knows anyone that could do music like this, pass them on to me please. Thanx.
Take care. May light be with you.