I have said that it is scary how organized I am with the business. Here’s another example… For some time now, I have been tracking new business. This is so I know what is bringing people into the shop, so I can continue to put the advertising where it will do the most good.
I find the part about what draws people in here to be the most interesting part. Currently, I have advertisements in a newspaper, a free flyer, the yellow pages, and the web. I have a sign out front at street level that I put up and take down each day. (It is not legal for it to be there, so I keep bringing it in at night. If I leave it out, the local police will steal it.) I have sent out post cards and letters. I have also given some presentations. All in all it is a fair mix.
The key question is... what is paying off?
Well, recommendations from one client to a potential client is responsible for most of my new business. (This is as it should be. One’s clients should be the best sales tool.) That is where 20% of new business is coming from.
With a close second is that illegal sign out front. It brings in 18%. The phone book yellow pages is responsible for 15%. And the web site and newspaper tie at 13%.
What I am finding out (other than the fact that I wasted $400 on this ad in this free flyer) is that word of mouth and my sign are bringing in the business. The newspaper, phone book, and web site do the rest. I have gotten some response from my post cards that lead to classes (which is what they were aimed at) and no response at all from the letters I sent to clients. The sad part is that none of the three winners from my open house in April came to collect their prizes. It’s pretty bad when you can’t give them away.
Of all new business that came in, 75% of it comes in for massage sessions (as I would expect). A mere 3% came in for Reiki sessions, and 20% came in for Reiki classes. So, we see what the big winners are there. (Of course, putting the right energies in to the place, and white light around it should help some.)
Now, some of you might wonder why I put this type of information into a journal posting. Well, this journal is for educations. I know one person that reads this that will be opening her own business before too long, and is learning from what I have been going through. Some of you may be thinking what is involved in making a business for yourself doing Reiki. Well, this will give you an idea. Of course it all depends on how far you want to go in setting up a business. You may not be looking to rent a shop and such.
Well, that is it for this Business Management 101 moment. Take care all.