One of my clients/students was in this evening for some training. Every now and then, she picks up information from her guides and passes that along to the people that need to hear it. Tonight, the message was for me, and it dealt with storms.
I was told that we have the ability to change the course of storms, or to get rid of them completely. What we have going against us is doubt and fear. We have self doubt, causing us to not truly believe that we can make changes. We have fear, fear that overrides any good we can do. We also have to deal with the fact that many people are afraid (and rightfully so), not just us. But that fear casts negativity out making the storm stronger, making it harder to turn.
One thing I was told though, was that we are free to do what we can with these storms. We can change them, move them from land, peter them out before they kill people. So, looking back many entries ago, I feel more strongly that we then have that responsibility to help if we can. There is no mandate that we should not be messing with mother nature. If we can use our talents to save lives, then we must.