October 19, 2004

Intention. I know I’ve talked about intent/intention before, but it is something that bears repeating.

As we do different tasks, we bring to the table (so to speak) the energies and intentions that we will use in completing each task. For people in the healthcare field (which includes massage therapists), usually have the intent to heal, or cure. Lightworkers usually intend to heal (and I’m not getting into healing versus curing right now).

As I have mentioned before, a thought is energy. Therefore, your intention is energy. It is the energy that embodies your aura which states on a subliminal level what you intend to do. Whether we admit it or not, we pick up all types of stimuli from the energies around us. They tell us whether a situation is friendly or not. Did you ever walk into an area that “just didn’t feel right”? Of course you did. How long did you stay there? Not long I’ll bet.

A man on a date might have certain expectations, and along with those, certain intentions. They might include a kiss at the door, an invite in, or more. A woman might sense these, and either (if it feels right to her) go along with the signals she is receiving, or stop at a certain point. After that, she will pick up new signals and make decisions on that.

When I go into a healing session, I have a certain intent. That intent is to heal, to help someone feel better. This intent is picked up and broadcast in my energies and then picked up by my subject. If my intent is correct (which it pretty much always is), then they will feel safe and comfortable.

Once in a while I might be a little nervous. This could be because I’m about to work on a new client. Or it could be because my client had to undress more than they had wanted because their problem requires work into the extreme low back, and I am concerned about making them nervous and uncomfortable. (Of course, my broadcasting this in my energies will make them nervous and uncomfortable.) Another possibility is that the client is already nervous, and I am picking that up, which is making me nervous (which makes them more nervous which... well, you’ve got the idea). In this case, I calm, and then channel that calming energy into my client until it feels right.

Every healer has to set their intent before they touch their subject. This is especially true when the client has to be undressed at all (as in massage). I usually find this a relatively easy thing to do as I have been doing healing for quite a while, and I always try to be as professional as possible. (I have been told by one therapist I worked on that there were only two people who worked on her with almost perfect intent, and one of them was me. I guess absolute perfect intent is very hard, if not impossible to find.)

The key is that one has to have the right intent to do any task. If they are a healer, then it is of the utmost importance that their intent be correct. Any stray thoughts (especially if they turn sexual in nature) will be picked up by the subject, and that will change how they perceive the session to go. The same can be said for the healer mentally being there. The subject can feel that at some point, the healer mentally left the session, and that will definitely have an impact.

So, set your intention. Gain focus. Now you’re ready to begin working. Go to it.