What’s bugging you? No, really. What’s bugging you? Is it... is it... is it bugs??!! Ok, here’s another Kay-ism.
Now just for enlightenment, and totally off topic, I am coining the phrase Kay-ism as of now. I used to be a fan of the program MacGyver. This is the guy that used to create all types of things out of virtually nothing to help him escape whatever predicament he was in. It got to the point where they named each creation a MacGyverism. So, in that vein, any story I pass on that Kay gave us, is a Kay-ism.
At any rate, she had a way of keeping bugs out of the house. Now, keep in mind that being in Florida, there are a lot more bugs than other places. Having lived in Maryland, it was a shock when we moved down here and learned that one actually has to hire a pest service to protect one’s house. Otherwise there are bugs (and I’m not just talking about the ones in your computer). So, what do you do?
Believe it or not, you draw a red line. Yes, really. According to Kay, if you put a solid red line around your house (and I’m assuming that it has to be right up against the house rather than several feet away), the bugs will stay out. The line needs to be solid, and uncovered. She said that bugs will not cross red.
Now, I have to admit I’ve never tried this, and I’m not sure my wife wants a red line around the base of the house. However, if you do, send me a line and let me know if it truly works.
Take care.