It has been a pretty good last two days. I have taught two Reiki 1 classes, and done three massages.
Friday’s Reiki class was for one student. This is the lady from Orlando that couldn’t make it up here when hurricane Charley came through. This was her first opportunity to get up this way since the originally scheduled class in August. All went very well, and I got a healing out of it.
Afterwards, I had another practice body for Lomi Lomi. This went well, but I went too deep too many times. One part of this is going to be learning where each person’s threshold is. With something like Lomi Lomi, which is made to go very deep, it is not easy to find the points to stop at.
Yesterday was Reiki 1 again, this time with three students. I had a guest body for one of my students so we could do paired practice. All three people were very good, and very interested to learn. Two of them are counselors, and figured that some of the basic energy exercises would be good to use in their daily lives.
One of the students had taken Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 before, but found that his teacher was not a good teacher. Most of what he learned came from Diane Stein’s Essential Reiki. He was very pleased that he found someone that could teach.
After class, I had two massages scheduled. By the time I was ready to leave the studio, it was 9:30. It had been a long day, but a very good one, as had the day before.
It feels good to be working, to be passing on the knowledge of Reiki, or using my gifts and training to heal others. I want more days like this. You hear that universe? I want to do more.