I thought I had done this before, but I can’t find anything in my journal that deals specifically with earth changes. I know I have mentioned them here and there, but I thought I had dedicated one entry to it. Apparently not. So, I guess it’s time for that. Read on.
Over four centuries ago, Nostrodamus made several centuries worth of predictions of times to come. Of course, these predictions (which he called Quatrains) were in a sing-song poetic style that didn’t give enough detail on actual names and times and places. If they had, we probably wouldn’t be reading about this now as Nostrodamus would have been executed and the copies burned. But Nostrodamus did predict a lot of things, including a massive shake up of the planet earth. He told of death and destruction, and a small percentage of the human race surviving to become a great society.
Another book told a similar tale, the Bible. In the book of Revelations, there is told a story of mighty battles where great evil rises up to conquer the planet, only to be defeated by good at the very end. It tells of disease and war and other things riding across the planet taking whom it will. This is best known as the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Revelations also tells of armies of angels flying into battle with flaming weapons.
Of course, the author of this book had no names for the things he saw in that future. He could only describe them in terms that he knew. But the tale is similar.
Over the years, I have been introduced to what has come to be called ‘Earth Changes’ as that is exactly what they are, changes in the planet, making changes in society. In the visions of everyone that has seen them, they include earthquakes, land masses falling into the sea (like California), super storms (Hmm, like we may be going through now?), diseases with no cures running rampant (like Ebola, or Aids), and destruction from wars. Some of these people predict nuclear war, but it does not necessarily have to come to that. After all, I believe that some areas of technology will survive, that has been foretold as well. In a nuclear war, no one will survive. (I think it was Einstein that said, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”)
Many years ago, when I started learning about energies and meditation, I stared hearing about earth changes. My first teacher was given permission by whatever guide she was following at the time to let me know that something was coming. They felt I could handle it. Now, I wasn’t told lots of details. I was just told that there was a major conflict coming, and that a percentage of the population would be ‘going home’. I was told that gifted people had the ability to survive.
A few months later, talking to a friend, and teacher, I brought up the subject. She suddenly looked me in the eye, and told me that three quarters of the population of the planet would not be around afterwards. I was stunned. I was flabbergasted. I was ready to cry. (I guess I couldn’t handle it.)
Now, first thing... DON’T PANIC. These still come under the headings of predictions. We don’t know what will come true or not. Second... One of the things I was told was that the people that are gifted, or spiritual, will be the ones that will be the survivors, the ones that will create this new world, new society.
Hang with me. I’m going to drop off and come back.
Putting all the predictions aside, we can look at earth changes another way. For centuries, we have been ruining this planet. We’ve been polluting the air, the water, the land. We’ve dumped waste into the oceans in steel drums, drums that will rust and disintegrate after so many years. We’ve dumped chemicals in to the land, and killed off species of plants and animals. (There is this cartoon … it may be Larsen … that shows the treehouse built by a famed developer when he was a child. Instead of the house being up in some huge tree, surrounded by leaves and branches, it shows a house sitting on top of a tree stump.)
Just like all natural bio-environments, the earth is a delicate balance of plant, animal, and insect. Everything we do hurts the planet. Well now, Mother Nature is pissed and she is going to strike back. It is the belief of many that the earth will itself find a balance. That may include sinking a continent and bringing up one that was sunken a long time ago (like Atlantis). As you can imagine, this will cause all kinds of natural disasters, and will cause humans to fight with each other rather than help each other.
Ok, back to surviving. One of the key things that I have heard over the past several years deals with the level of spirituality of the people on the planet. The higher the level of spirituality, the less changes will occur. That means that the energies surrounding the situation have changed, and that some of the destruction predicted, will not happen. It also means that the percentage I was told some 10 years ago is probably wrong.
In one of Kay’s classes, someone had brought a map drawn by a psychic that showed the earth after the changed had occurred. It showed all of Florida south of Jacksonville under water. It showed California missing, and the ocean coming in to Utah, or Colorado. (Buy that beachfront property now!) It showed a lot of other changes. But, this map had been drawn about 15 years ago. The spirituality of the people on the planet has increased dramatically. This map is no longer correct. It was drawn based on the measurable energies then. (As I keep saying, psychics read energies to make their predictions. Those energies can change.) the energies today are different tan they were 15 years ago. If the same map were drawn now, there would be significant changes.
If spiritual people are the predominant percentage of the population, then they will be able to figure out how to live with nature rather than against it. My teacher used to go into the woods when she was sick, where she would be directed to various plants. She pulled leaves from these plants and came back and made a tea out of them. These are what she needed to make her better. We can all learn to do things like this, to work within nature.
Now that I’ve scared the bejesus out of everyone, please don’t panic. No one knows when, or if these things will take place, or how bad they will truly be. Don’t read this and go jump off a bridge because there is nothing to live for. You are part of what is to come. Just by the fact that you are reading this, tells me more about your spirituality than you may know yourself.
We all do what we can. We continue to move ahead. And we continue to hang in there until we can’t. You may think you’re shocked now. Think how I was when I didn’t believe in much at all.
Take care now. Light will be with you. Let it be your guide.