I did two massages today, both on people who had seen my sign while driving down the street. Cool.
The first person I worked on is a massage therapist from Greenville, South Carolina. I used to be nervous when working on LMTs, as I would always be unsure if I could give them work equal to what they do. I don’t have those doubts too often any more.
I did extreme deep tissue massage for over 90 minutes. She had expected me to be digging in with my elbows, but it never did come down to that. I gave her enough pressure, and managed to find the right moves to deal with her problems. She loved it.
We talked during whole session. She is an interesting person. I will probably looking to get a massage from her when I go up to Greenville for Christmas.
The session went real well. Before she left she told me, “you truly are a healer.” But then as she left, she told the next person waiting, “He’s awesome. You’re in for a treat.” Oook. Now the next person expects me to be totally awesome too. Talk about raising the bar. Sometimes the expectations will be so high that I may never meet them. (When I was in school , and we were in clinicals, working on people off the street, the clients would grade us on a scale of 1 - 10. I usually got high marks, and knew I should as I had enough experience to know what type of work I was doing. What floored me was when someone would give me a 5. In most cases, it was someone that had never had massage before, and they didn’t know how to grade it. Even knowing this, it was still unnerving to get a low grade.)
At any rate, my second client enjoyed it so much that he wants to get his wife to come in for one. Cool.