I have had strange, frightening dreams the last two nights. The fact that the weather is doing what it is, and we are trying to fight off the coming storms, just has not helped.
Two nights ago, I dreamed I was with a group of people, and we were fighting off some coming darkness. In a way, the darkness was reminiscent to army ants, but they weren’t ants.
The last thing I saw was the group of us together firing some wide beam weapon at the approaching enemy (or darkness). What we were doing was keeping it away, but the members of the group were falling by the wayside. There was too much darkness. Eventually we couldn’t keep it away. The last few of us were standing there firing at it, but it was starting to engulf us.
I wasn’t scared at this point. I was disappointed, but not scared. I just hoped that it wouldn’t hurt too much. Then I woke up.
Last night was a bit different, and definitely weather related. I remember looking around, and seeing a tornado. I looked to see where I could go to, and there was another tornado. I actually saw tornados in all directions. Some were close. Some were far. We were able to get in the car and get away safely, at least out of immediate danger.
It was at that point where we ran into some characters from a couple science fiction TV programs. They were there to help, and had brought some hi-tech weaponry to use on the storms. At that very moment, the dog came into he bedroom and began making noise to let me know that she wanted to go out. So much for concluding a dream.
I did lay back down, and ended up in a very similar dream. Again, there were storms all around us. Some of these sci-fi characters were already with me. We looked up at the storms, and saw a spaceship fly by. We knew then that these storms were not being created by nature. They were being created by whomever was in those ships.
We got in the car (yes, a land based vehicle) and headed up the road. Since there was an accident on our side, we drove on the wrong side of the road until we could cross over. We stopped somewhere to pick up a dog that was hurt. We were ready to get back to traveling when I woke up again. Since I did not go back to bed, I was not able to see how this dream turned out.
Now, I don’t know that this is coming from my imagination, or my worry over the storms (probably part of that), or that I am being trained for possible events. What I feel mostly, is that a group of us has taken on a huge task, and we need to work together, and expand who we are, and what we do. I also feel that these storms are being created by something other than nature (but not people in space ships), maybe a hand of darkness. And I also believe that there is a lot of darkness out there, and that if we don’t stay true to the light, we can be overcome by it all too easily.
So, if I look at it as training, I have a lot of learning to do, and I will need to stay in the light as I train, and grow. Go figure.