To meddle, or not to meddle? That is the question. There is an old saying... Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are quick to anger, and have no need for subtlety.
This, of course, brings about the age-old conflict of a mortal facing a mightier, more powerful being. When we mess with weather, are we really taking on the mightier, more powerful being, or entity? That again brings us back to the question of… should we? But what about working against darkness? Doesn’t that bring about the same question? What about simple things we see happening? Should we interfere?
Over the past several weeks working with others to keep storms from hitting the country, I have been asked the same question many times. Should we? Many of those asking are in the group that is working to keep the storms away. Many are not. I know I answered this question a few days ago, but I feel the need to elaborate.
As human beings, we meddle. We stick our nose in where it all to often does not belong, and we give our two cents worth (and in some cases, that’s all the cents/sense we have). We see some one that is hurt, we try to help. We see the bully pick on some little guy, we try to help. We do this at a personal level, or a national level. We see someone that is sick, we try to heal them. Should we?
Part of the questioning of moving a storm stems from the fact that this storm is here for a reason. Do we have the right (much less the ability) to go against that reason? Should we meddle? The problem that I have is that who really knows what reasons we should go against, and what we should not go against?
The ground shakes, and someone falls down. Their leg is broken. Now, do we help them or not? What if the ground shook because of a tremor? Does that mean that it was a natural occurrence and that we should not help them?
What if someone is being menaced by a dark entity? Should we help then? What if they have a deadly disease? Maybe then? What if a Denebrian Slime Devil beamed down and... naw.
Each of us has been raised with some type morality. We feel certain things are right and certain things are wrong. When we feel something is wrong, we try to fix it if we can. Sometimes what we face is too big for us to handle. If we can, we organize others to help, hoping that we can make things right.
But the point is that we decide whether to act or not. Just like it is hard for a doctor to sit by when he could be helping someone in need, the same is true for a healer, a lightworker. Just like anyone that is faced with a problem, a lightworker will do what they can to help, if they can. Sometimes it may seem like the odds are against them. It may seem like they are going up against something that is so much more powerful than they are. Yet, most of the time, they still do their best to help.
Some question if we should be trying to move storms to protect people. I ask why not. What is the difference between trying to pull someone from danger, and trying to deflect an object that will hurt people? Is it the number of bodies? Or is it just the size and magnitude of what we have to face?
There is darkness in this world. Darkness reaches out to people to turn them to the dark side of the force. If we can, shouldn’t we protect these people from the darkness?
Where do we draw the line? At what point do we say we shouldn’t help?
As a lightworker, I feel we always should if we can. Sometimes life can prevent that. Other times, we just may not be strong enough. Another time still, it may be against the plan (but we may not know that until we try and fail).
We have been given gifts by the divine. I am sure that it was not part of the plan that we should have these, but not use them. We are limited on what we can do, based on experience, and knowledge, and ability to go beyond the normal. We won’t go further than is allowed, I guarantee you that. I’ve been there at least once. If it is not something we should be doing, we won’t succeed. (There are other reasons that we might not succeed, but that would have to do with our belief and abilities.) So I figure it is better to try, then not. We are after all healers. If we can help people feel better, if we can make peoples lives better, if we can save lives, we will. Why shouldn’t we?
Why shouldn’t we turn storms? If what we can do can save lives, as healers, as lightworkers, isn’t that something we should be doing? Is it really any different than giving Reiki to someone dying of cancer? As long as we use our gifts for the good, as long as we stay in the light, we are doing what we should be doing.
Of course that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.
There is a lot of pain and hurt out there. There is also a lot of darkness. One lightworker can not do it all. This is why we need to come together. And I think this is the beginning of the time when we will need to be united. The need for healers and lightworkers is growing. The challenges we face, harder. If you are a lightworker, reach out and make contact with other lightworkers. If you are not, be positive. Think positive thoughts. Create the positive energy that we all need.
Reach out. Help others. I’m not just talking about healers and lightworkers. I’m talking about everyone. We can all make strides to shine the light into the darkness.
Take care. May light be with you, always.