Two very interesting things happened today. I did more work on my 14-year old client with migraines, and I did my first outcall since I opened the studio.
The girl I had been working on for migraines had been having one for a couple of days now. Her mother had kept her out school yesterday and today because of them. Today, she brought her in to work with her so she could see me.
I had been dealing with an early dental appointment this morning, and although I was feeling fine and clearheaded, I couldn’t feel half of my mouth from the shots of Novocain I had been given. I was visualizing someone calling up on the phone… “Hi. What’s Reiki?” My explanation would of course be… “werll, mmmmfff errrgh, mumble ermmmorffff.”
I got to the shop around 11am and prepared it. Next, I went next door and got my victim. Her headache rated a 4/10 (4 on a scale of 1 to 10).
When I was driving back from the dentist and gotten off the phone with her mother, something told me I should scan the girl before starting to treat her. Remembering this, I did just that. What I found was a very strong problem spot at the base of her spine. (This was starting to remind me of the person I worked on during the show at the Avenues Mall. He had neck problems, but all I could scan was a problem at the base of the spine. Working on the problem in the lower spine fixed his neck problems.)
I put her on the table and started doing Lomi Lomi compressions through her back and sacrum. I figured that the Lomi movements would stretch the muscles so they would loosen their grip on whatever it was in the pelvis that was causing the headache. I mixed this up here and there. After about 15 minutes, her migraine was gone. During this time, I did no energy work, and did not touch her head.
To put things in place, I did a full, but shortened Reiki session on her. After that, we went back next door. Se was feeling fine.
I told her mother that I am more convinced than ever that the problem can be fixed with MFR (Myofascial Release). It was blatantly obvious (at least to me) that the cause of today’s migraine was not in her head. I’m thinking that in the long term, MFR will eliminate the problem as her body comes back into a more normal positioning. Immediately though, Lomi Lomi stood in to relieve the pressure. Cool huh?
Later, when I had gotten home, I went out into the back of the yard to do some digging. We have a fence that will eventually fall into the ‘crick’ below. I need to shovel dirt out of the flower boxes up against the fence to be able to pull out the uprights and straighten them.
At any rate, I was dirty and sweating (like you needed to know that) when I got this phone call requesting an outcall. Now, since I opened the studio, I have been turning these down, mostly due to the hour that they come in. But the guy sounded normal, and in need. He mentioned coming out and working on him two hours and then an hour on his wife. This would easily cover the amount of effort that it takes to go on an outcall. (You see, to go on an outcall, I need to go to the studio, pack up all my supplies from there, and then go out. If the call is in the opposite direction, then I lose a half hour at least. This is inefficient, but I would rather have people come to me than go traveling all over town. The biggest plus in having it in the studio is that it is a prepared and controlled environment. When I go to someone’s home, I never know what will be there.)
I went out to see the gentleman, met his family, and was shown to a nice quiet space in his home. The atmosphere was right, and the temperature was good.
I worked on him for about 95 to 110 minutes. At that time, he was not hurting anymore. His wife had gone to bed, so I missed working on her. (He wanted me out at 8pm so they would have time to finish dinner. Three hours of work would have run pretty late.) But he paid very well, and was talking about more work. He said he’d like to get me to come to his company and do 10 minute table massages on everyone. That would be cool. It would be just like what I did at the show at the mall. If this pans out, it would be real neat.
While I was working on him, he told me that there may be a lot of therapists in the area I am in, but only one in 15 are any good. He told me I was definitely in that ‘good’ group. Cool. All in all, a really interesting day.