April 25, 2005

This came to me out of the blue at some point. I think it is an interesting comment… Are things too troubling? Well, make light of them. 

Now I’m sure that the first thing you are thinking is to make jokes about your situation, or make fun of it. Humor can be uplifting, and it can help any problem seem less if applied correctly. As long as the humor is not making fun at someone else’s expense, then it can make things easier, or better.

But I wasn’t talking about making fun of a situation. I was talking about bringing light into it. Ahhh, the light goes on (so to speak). 

Any bad or troubling situation can have an air of darkness around it, a foreboding. Some of this is set up by the situation itself, but most of it is in how we perceive the situation. If we think of a situation as bad, then it will be. As soon as we make that judgment that something is bad, it takes on all the connotations. Once in a bad situation, we feel oppressed, stuck, surrounded by darkness. This is the point where your attitude needs to change to be able to climb up out of the darkness and away form the situation. 

We see situations all the time where we would be beaten, dragged out, feeling like there was no point going on. There are others that are in these situations that treat it as a normal day to day experience, and don’t feel down trodden. Why? Because of their attitude. They accept things and keep moving forward. 

We are in situations all the time where we think we are in hell, and what is happening will never stop. I know I have been there many times. And yes, I know it’s hard, but one needs to keep a positive attitude about it (this coming form the king of negative attitudes). It’s harder still when you’re in the center of the problem looking to find a way out rather than at the outside looking in. But you have to focus. 

If you visualize white light coming into the situation, making it better, it will get better. That is a very powerful visualization. 

Change your attitude, and the world around you will change. After all, the world is just a reflection of us and what we perceive it to be. (This was one of the key things that the movie “What the Bleep do We Know’ wanted to get across.) 

So, the next time you feel trapped in the darkness, make light of it.