I taught a very interesting Reiki 1 class today. I had one student, and her translator. You see, my student couldn’t speak English.
One of my students has her mother visiting from the Ukraine. She wanted to give her mother Reiki classes as a gift. So I taught class with her mother as the only student and the daughter translated everything into Russian.
It actually worked out real well. I would look at her and tell her what I needed, then her daughter translated. It slowed things down a bit, but not so badly that it was impossible. The only real problem was that I would start saying something, and then pause for it to be translated, then forget where I was going. But then again, that happens in every class.
The mother had taken a form of Reiki 1 back home. The teacher taught in the Takata style where there was nothing written. It was a difficult class, and she felt that her teacher was controlling things. She felt that the more she learned, the less she could do and that her teacher was responsible. When it was time for her to receive, I checked her chakras and found her third eye blocked. The daughter reminded me that I had found the same thing with her, and that she had also taken classes from this teacher.
The mother told me that her teacher had told them that one needs to take Reiki 1 twice as the attunement doesn’t stick too well the first time. My eyes popped open wide with astonishment. An attunement takes only one time. Once applied, it is there. This teacher was obviously in it for the money, not the healing. I can’t believe someone would tell a student that they had to take a class twice for it to work. Wow. I looked her daughter straight in the eye and asked if she could translate “felgercarb” or some similar word.
For a body, I brought in one of my former students, and Reiki master (and friend). She worked on him which left her daughter free to translate. This worked well. When it was time for here to receive, I worked on her. She said she felt so energized that she felt she could fly. Cool.
We had lots of fun. I had her daughter lying face up on the table so I could demonstrate how an under wire bra would cause the breasts to show up as problems. (The daughter was wearing one.) I was explaining how if both breasts show up as problems, then I usually ask if the subject is wearing one. If only one shows up as a problem, then it is time to be concerned. I was talking on for several minutes when I realized what I was doing and had to laugh. I looked the mother straight in the eye and told her that it was hard to believe that I was talking with her about her daughter’s breasts. We all laughed.
When class was over and she had gotten her attunement and certificate, she looked at me and told me in English, “I want to kiss you.” I take most forms of gratitude... hugs, kisses...
Like I said, it was an interesting, fun, and enjoyable class to teach. The mother was a great student, and the daughter a good translator. I’m looking forward to Reiki 2.