So far I've done 10 Reiki sessions this year. Today was the third this week. It was very interesting, and preparing for it was a process.
I got called by a lady whose counselor had suggested a Reiki treatment to help her through the problems she is having. These problems included the end of an abusive relationship, legal fees, psychiatric counseling, being on too many prescribed medications, and a huge amount of anger. The counselor gave her a person in St. Augustine to call, but when she did, this person never called her back. So, a quick search with Google, and she found me.
She explained her situation, and I explained Reiki. We set up a session for this afternoon. Since she carries her problems in her back, she was very tight and sore, and decided to have a massage as well.
I have dealt with anger before in one client. The Reiki is a great help, but the person needs find a way to get rid of it either by draining it off, or dealing with it differently. Having had that experience, I was concerned that I could help her. Remembering the dark entity that popped out from one client, I re-cleansed the treatment room, and got another cup of water for in there. (A cup of water in any treatment room will suck up all the negative energy in there. At the end of the day, the water is poured out.) I also opened myself so that my guides could come in and guide me. I figured I needed all the help I could get.
Initially, I looked for guidance, and checked out a couple areas energetically. I drained a lot of negative energy from her second (emotional) chakra. Next, I was guided to do a chakra balancing. I found many of her chakras out of position, and some were spinning the wrong way. After straightening them out, I cleared the blocked chakras, and then proceeded with the Reiki.
I lead her down into a soft, mellow state, then removed her headache. From here, I was able to pass her Reiki without other things cropping up to bother her. Not surprisingly, she took a lot of energy.
She felt pretty good after the energy work, but her body was still very, very tight. Before I started massage, I was drawn to her heart. She had told me that she kept getting heart pains, and that she was afraid she might be getting small heart attacks. I placed my hand over her heart and opened myself to possibilities. After a few moments, I got the impression that emotions were pushing up from her center, her emotional chakra, and affecting the muscles around her heart. This, I believe, was causing her chest pains. She was tightening her muscles (unconsciously) and they were tightening in on her heart.
I started the massage with a couple Myofascial Release holds as I felt she needed them. I then worked quite deeply with Swedish and Lomi Lomi movements. My client used to do ballet, so she was used to getting deep work.
After the session was over, I showed her a focusing/centering exercise to do when she couldn't concentrate on what she was doing. I also showed her a calming exercise that I hoped would help her when things started to get too bad.
When she left, she was feeling very good, was unusually calm, and feeling better than she had in a long while. I can only hope it holds for some time.