I had a long day today. I taught a Reiki 2 class followed by two massages.
The class, although small, was a really good class. I had the lady who doesn’t speak English, and her daughter to translate everything into Russian. Unlike the Reiki 1 class, both ladies were students this time. It made it harder on the daughter as she had to learn and translate. Also on hand was my friend, John, who is also a Reiki master. He likes coming to help out, and I enjoy having him as he always brings fun and good energies with him.
The class went really well. Both students loved the group work, especially the healing chain. When each was at the front, they kept feeling like they were getting pushed over from behind although no one was touching them. It was just the Reiki energy coming in.
We had a lot of good discussions about theory and such. It turns out that the mother was a physics teacher back in the Ukraine. It was neat how well she accepted the energy theory along with the ‘hard science’.
At some point during the class, the daughter’s phone rang, and she started having chest pains. She had given her notice to her company, and they were being very mean about it, telling her how stupid she is to be leaving and such. No wonder she was having panic attacks.
After the class, the daughter had scheduled a massage. This turned into much more. First, I took her phone and put it in my office so we couldn’t hear it if it rang. I did a lot of energy work around her heard and emotional chakra. A while ago, I loaded some acupressure information onto my pocket PC for massage therapists. Looking in it, I found some points to massage for anxiety attacks. When I did these, she felt the anxiety leaving her almost immediately.
Next I did massage while her mother stayed in the room and watched. She told me that if it made me nervous, she would wait in the lobby, but I told her it was ok. It did make me a little nervous, but once I got into the body, I was alright. Thinking about it, I realized that the last time I had someone watching me do a massage, I was back in school. That was where that all came from.
The mother mostly watched and learned. She was intrigued by all the forearm work I did which came from the Lomi Lomi style. She had thought about doing massage at some point, and was watching and learning as I worked.
I had gotten a call before starting and scheduled another massage after this one. While working on the daughter, I hadn’t heard the door open, and didn’t know if anyone was in the lobby, but I knew I was running long. I asked the mother to go out to the lobby and tell anyone there ’ten more minutes’. This was good as she doesn’t speak English. When she returned, she relayed through her daughter that there was a lady out there, and she said ‘no problem’.
The second massage turned out to be a bit of energy work too. This lady had found my ad and decided I was the one she needed to see, and she came across town to get to me. I did a lot of chakra work, and couldn’t come up with anything more she needed energy-wise, so I went on to the massage. She liked what had been done and was feeling great when I was done. She made an appointment to come back, I know she liked it.
All in all, it was a long day (11 hours) but very satisfying.