Storms. I’m really starting to hate storms.
Katrina came through the Atlantic and pounded Miami lightly before going into the Gulf of Mexico and growing to a monster storm. Today, it reached Category 5 with sustained winds around 185mph and gusts to 202mph.
As the hurricane went by Miami, the forecasters showed it going up into South Carolina where my daughter and some friends live. My one friend took a good look at the storm and told it “don’t come here”. that’s when the storm started moving more to the west to where the forecaster’s track showed it west of the state.
I had gotten a call from Emily. She was going to do some work on the storm and wanted to know if I had a group working on it as I had last year. I had not done any organizing this year, and had only given the storm some small thought. For some reason, I have not been involved as much as I might have with these storms this year. Something has been keeping me from it. Since lightworkers have been lying low intentionally, it could be that something has been making me stay low as I might not have been otherwise.
Emily was concerned that she doesn’t work against whatever efforts I was making. Since I wasn’t making any at the time, it was real easy. She asked for suggestions, and I had some for her. The first was that when she goes up against the storm, she will feel real small in this face of this huge storm. I told her to pull in as much energy as it took so that she stood over the storm. That would give her more power to move it. Another suggestion was to go into the eye and start energy moving clockwise (the opposite direction that the storm was turning). We were hoping that this might knock the storm down a bit. I told her that I would come in and do things to support what she was doing.
We had talked about trying to keep the eye of the storm away from New Orleans. Of all the area out there, New Orleans was the most fragile because it is below sea level and flanked by water on three sides. There were other things pushing me. I had seen the pictures of people being let into the Superdome to weather the storm. I had a really bad gut feeling about that. I felt that if the eye of the storm hit there at the intensity that it was, the roof would be gone. Even though the news people claimed that the building was built to withstand 200mph winds, I just knew it wouldn’t. (I really hate moving storms from one area or another. No matter where it goes, someone is going to get creamed. The best thing to do is send it back out to sea, and knock it down to nothing. But that is a near impossible task. Maybe once all lightworkers get connected, and put forth one supreme effort, it will happen. With everyone hitting it piecemeal as they are, we can only hope that we do some good.)
What Emily did was brilliant. She put a map of the United States on the floor of her room. She walked around it to where she needed to be and pushed at the storm. Looking down at the map, she felt big, bigger than the storm. This gave her power. Next she moved to where the eye was, and turned clockwise for 20 minutes.
Later that evening, I looked at the news and saw that the winds had gone down to 160mph. I figured that whatever Emily was doing was working. The news people were also watching a front out to the west. They knew that this front would eventually make Katrina turn more eastward, but didn’t know how soon that would be.
It was at that point that I decided to do what I could. I stood, and pulled in energy from any place I could. I visualized myself walking around the weather map that they were showing on TV. I walked around to the west and looked at the storm as it was on a heading that would take it right through downtown New Orleans. Rather than try to move the storm myself, I took a hint from the weather people. I put strength and power into that weather front to the west of the hurricane. I built it up as much as I could and then shoved it into the storm. An hour later, I had checked back with the television and saw that the storm had tuned and that the eye was going to miss New Orleans.
The next thing I did was to add to what Emily was doing. I took in more energy and tried to make a vortex moving clockwise in the eye. I’m not sure how successful that was. I found out later from Jessica that this was an effort a lot of other lightworkers were making. They were trying to knock the storm down in intensity.
At this time, I went to bed, and hoped I would work on it some while I slept. I don’t know if I did or not. I can only send white light and hope things work out.