What a difference a day makes. Through the marvels(?) of television, we have seen things go from impending doom to total disaster.
Hurricane Katrina’s eye missed New Orleans, but the rest of it managed to do enough damage to make up for it. The levees have sprung leaks, and the city is flooding. The Superdome has held, but pieces of the roof blew off. I can imagine what would have happened had the storm hit it dead center at full force.
But New Orleans isn’t the end of the problems. All too many cities along the gulf coast were devastated as well as many places inland. All too many people are without homes, jobs, and most especially… loved ones.
I can’t imagine being in this situation. Yet, my gut feeling is that some day I will be. I know I have to be forced out of a place to make me go. This is what I believe will move me to where I need to go next.
It is all part of the earth changes. Storms will come, and be bigger in intensity. Disease and pestilence will be prominent. Can you imagine how toxic and deadly the waters in New Orleans will be before this is all over? There will be panic and violence amount people. We’re starting to see this now as people fight to survive.
The only thing we can do is send light, and hope. Contributing money to a charity will help also, but the key is to keep light shining so things are not overrun with darkness.