February 3, 2005

Well, tomorrow I am Sedona bound. I'm really looking forward to being there, as I enjoyed the last time I was there if only for the day and a half that I was there. This time I'll be there for two weeks, and while there I'm hoping to really mingle with the energies.

The purpose of my trip is continuing education. I will be taking Myofascial Massage from John Barnes. I saw Myofascial demonstrated while I was in school, and liked the looks of it a lot. It seems to be very much energy work, yet there is definitely a hands-on presence that makes it qualify as massage. One of the exercises we did while in school was to put our hands on somebody's back while they were laying down on their back. The instructions were to stay there until we felt "the butter melt". The expression they used described the feeling one got very well, but it is actually a change in energies that makes the feeling happen. I enjoyed it a lot and have been looking to go to these classes for quite some time.

If I understand correctly, John Barnes is the creator of Myofascial Release Massage. The therapist down the street had worked with him for awhile and said he is a very good teacher.

Although not having a lot of money, I am hoping to take in some of the services, and/or sites while I'm there. If I remember correctly the temperatures have been roughly what they have been here, which is somewhat cold. This may keep me from going up to Shnebly Hill and sitting right where I had the last time I was there (which was in the middle of June). I do know that I need a lot of calming, and this will be the perfect place for it. If I can afford to work in some bodywork and meditation, then I should come back quite a bit different than I am now. J

Figuring out what to pack is always the hardest, especially when I will be needing things for the classes as well is just for having while I am there. It's hard enough figuring out what clothes to wear, but when you figure that I have to take a couple sets of sheets, a couple towels, a padded roll, and either shorts or a swimsuit just for class, then it gets a little more interesting. I'm hoping that whoever I work with has oils as I don't see that I could take any with me on the plane. I'd be too worried about opening my suitcase and finding everything oil soaked. J I might get to take a small container of lotion, but it will depend on what the person I'm working with is looking for. I'll also need to take a bag to carry these things in once I get there. (It was one thing to drive down to plantation to take Lomi Lomi as I could take my table and everything I need to use during the class. Getting on an airplane and going to class some distance away brings a different situation. And no, I'm not about to try to take my table with me.)

So, I've a few things to do tonight so I can be at the airport at 5 a.m. tomorrow morning. I will be compiling, and possibly writing journal entries while I'm out there, as I expect to have the time to do so. Obviously, none of them will be posted until after I get back. Since I'll have the laptop with me, I will at least be able to format them so that they just need to be posted from the computer at the house. Hopefully I will be able to do that within a day or two of getting back, but I know that my entire focus for that week will be the upcoming show on the following weekend.

So, I will think of all of you here while I'm out relaxing in the wonderful peaceful vortex energies of Sedona. You all take care. May light be with you.