Our plans changed constantly today, but we did manage to make it back to the vortex. It turned out to be a very interesting day, and a very interesting trip.
Once we had decided to go to the vortex, we headed out by car only to find the road closed. Before yesterday, we had three days of rain here, which was a lot, and more than they're used to having here at one time. (I have some spectacular pictures of raging waters where the rain had collected up in the mountains and trickled, and trickled, and made its way down to our level.)
At any rate, we stopped at the end of the paving on Schnebly Hill Road, and parked in the parking area there. Part of the day was planned for a hike, and we looked at the trails that were there. Looking at one map the day before, we decided it was too far to hike up Schnebly Hill Road which is why we wanted to drive. (The guide said it was 3 1/2 miles one way. One half-mile of this was paved road, while the rest was dirt.) Looking at the map at the parking area, we decided to take the trail that semi paralleled Schnebly Hill Road. It looked like it was only about two miles to where we wanted to go, although the area we wanted to go was not marked on the map.
We followed the path through its ups and downs seeing some beautiful scenery. Every now and then we'd stop and take pictures. It was a tiring walk as we followed the path going down at some points, going up at others, over rocks, and along the stream. Every now and then we'd come close to the road and could see the Pink Jeep tours going up and down. At a couple of the points, we had to cross water which was difficult in some cases and not too difficult and others. At one point we felt that the rocks were too far apart to walk on, so I picked up a large rock walked out on a few rocks and dropped it as my next step, and they went back for another. As we moved further up the hill, we reached a point where we couldn't cross the water without getting our feet wet. Because of the rains a couple days before, the water level was higher than it normally is. At that point, we climbed up the road and followed the road up to the parking area next to cow pies trail.
We took cow pies trail into the woods, across the stream, and to the Schnebly Hill vortex. I walked out in the center of the area and closed my eyes. I pretty much did the same thing I did last week, I visualized a computer model of energy flowing out with an energy center, and my position. I used this to guide myself to the very center the vortex. I sat down at first, and then lay down and closed my eyes. I felt like I was spinning, spinning and spinning and spinning.
I let my energies merge with that of the vortex. I brought in vortex energies, and let them run all through me. I don't know how long I was there, but quite a bit of time had passed when I came out of my meditation. At that point, I got up, walked around, and picked up a rock or two. I looked over the slope at another ledge, and saw two people doing the same thing I have been doing. They were laying on the ground with their arms spread at their sides in their eyes closed. The energies at this one place are so spectacular, that one just wants to meld into the rock.
I came back to my power point and closed my eyes again. Again felt the spinning motion of the vortex energy. I felt myself rising up, and felt like light around me. I felt calm and loved. At that moment, I addressed the deities that I felt were there, and did something that I don't do too often. I gave a prayer of thanks. Admittedly, I'm still too left-brained. I wrote down what I sent out, to share with you. It went like this...
Thank you for letting me come here, letting me experience this. Please help me stay on my path, and stay in the light, your light, the light of the source. Help me find healing for myself, and help me heal others with the things I have learned, the gifts you have given me, and you working through me. I am your tool to use as you see fit. Please direct me to where I need to go, and push me to be what you want me to be. I am yours to do so. In love and light, thank you.
All in all, we spent about an hour on top of the vortex. It was so pleasant, we really didn't want to leave, but we knew we had to. We walked slowly from the vortex, and I give a thank you to the energies and the spirits that were there. We took the cow pies trail back to the road, and walked on the road down to where we'd parked our car. Time-wise, it took us about two hours to walk up to the vortex, an hour there, and about an hour and a half coming down.
It was a great hike, the temperatures being just right, and the scenery wonderful. The uphill climb was pretty hard, and we were bit tired and sore, but it couldn't have been a better day.