While I was in Sedona, I got my aura photographed. I had never had this done, and have found it interesting.
It started out with my sister-in-law wanting hers done. We went back to a store uptown that we had been to several times. Each time previously, I had talked with the owner, just chatting. This time, it was someone else there.
When we went to the computer to have Barbara’s done, the sales clerk couldn’t get the hand unit to work. (This unit not only has a camera for the aura, it has something you put your finger tips into so it can sense the state of all one’s chakras.) The clerk called the owner, who was on her way in. While she was doing that, I started crawling around under the desk inspecting the power plugs. I tried moving a couple, but to no avail. I finally tried pushing buttons on it, and got the power to come on. The clerk still had to wait for the owner as she couldn’t get it to print the right reading.
The owner took Barbara’s photo, and started to print it, when we noticed that all the ink colors were not printing. She called her computer person and left a message. She had changed the ink cartridge the night before, so she knew that was not the problem. I asked her if I could look at it. She let me. I managed to stop the bad report for printing. I then went into the printer properties, and told the printer to clean its heads, and realign itself (don’t’ try this at home – actually, I do this at home all the time).
After about 10 minutes, it was working fine. I guess all those years working in computers paid off for something. J I asked her if I would get a discount if I wanted a photo. She told me that I would get mine for free. Cool.
The photo shows me with a bright violet at the top of my head J. There is yellow in the center and green around me as well as blue. On the right, there is a violet circle.
According to the report. My chakras need balancing. The root needs help. It tells me I am stressed (who’da thunk?). I have a balance between mind, body, and spirit. I am letting go, have emotional relaxation , or repression of energy. I am passive and internalize feelings.
I am left dominant, and my left-female body side has a higher energy level-vibration than my right-active body side. I am head dominant as my head has a higher vibration than the rest of my body. I am stressed, and have low energy.
I have a warm heart and sympathetic nature. I show healing abilities and a love of people combined with a compassionate nature. My capacity for intuitive perceptions is high. I am very creative, and my sensitivity my subtle artistic imagination. There are blue colors bringing peace and harmony into my life (I sure hope so J). I communicate well and will be able to attract people to share my teachings and benefit from my healing presence (honest, it says this). My sense of loyalty is strong and my thinking clear.
I am well centered in my heart and appear peaceful and harmonious (hmmm, maybe it didn’t read all that well after all). I emanate warmth and understanding, and others feel comfortable near you.
It then goes on to tell me that I am a Green person. Greens are balanced and harmonious. They perceive life through the heart (I guess that’s what they used to tell me when they said I wear my heart on my sleeve). Greens want to feel happy and content with their lives. They can be talkative and communicative. They have a strong connection to their bodies.
In balance, they have a strong connection with nature and their physical bodies. They are quick abstract and analytical thinkers. They can quickly recognize patterns (that I can attest to), and solutions to problems. They have high expectations and specific beliefs about life.
Out of power, Greens can be lethargic, irresponsible , stuck and resistant to change (I can believe that one too).
Out of balance, they often project their need to communicate and their love to nature and animals. Greens can become passive and unbalanced at times. They express similarities to cats.
Unbalanced Greens are afraid to confront situations or problems. Greens need to connect with their general love toward life.
In power, Greens know that life, by itself is enough.
Wow. Quite a lot for a couple minutes fixing a computer. There is more, but that is quite enough.
Now, a psychic read this for me. She told me a lot, but one thing she told me was interesting. Before, I mentioned that there was this circle on one side of my photo. She asked her guides if it was one of my guides (this happens now and then where a guide will show up in a photo.). She was told no, that is was something that had just come into my life and would be a very big thing for me. Interesting. This psychic did not know why I was there. She didn’t know that I had taken classes in Myofascial Release. Wow. Maybe this will become my most important modality. Neat.
The owner and I hugged as we left. It had been a nice visit.