February 27, 2005

Well, I wrapped up the final day of the Health and Retirement show today, and I did so much work that most of it is just a blur. 

I was at the mall from 12:00 to 6:00, and although it seemed to start off slow, there were barely a few minutes that I wasn’t working. I actually hadn’t done that much work at one time since that day back in school when I did six massages in a row. The downside to that is that after I calmed down and let myself relax after the show was over, all my physical problems made themselves known. Hey, I need a massage. 

I started out the day with a man that had a very sore neck and shoulders. He couldn’t move his head much. After about 10 minutes, he was moving his head fine. He took cards and information. He said his wife had used the day spa there and hadn’t been satisfied with them. He said they would be coming to see me. I hope that turns out to be the case. (Massage is such an individual thing for everyone. A good therapist will try to do what each person wants or needs. The problem is that everyone is different and has different tastes. This is why when you find a therapist that does the type of work that you like, you stick with them, even if you have to drive a little ways to get to them. This is why I used to drive to St. Augustine to get bodywork.)

I had another older gentleman that also had neck and shoulder problems. He had never had a massage before but his friends tell him it is something he should be getting. They said every now and then, they need to get deep tissue work, even though it is painful. With what I do, that is not necessarily the case. I prefer not to hurt people, though sometimes it is necessary. At any rate, he was very surprised how well he could move when he got up.

I kept working through the day, changing what I was doing with each person that got on the table. I did a couple on the chair, and did the best I could, but I just don’t feel as good about what I can do there. One lady said she really felt better, yet I know it could have been better still if she had gotten on the table. 

There were a few that I really wasn’t sure where to go to help them, and I just closed my eyes and waited for guidance. It was a little difficult tuning out the noises around me, but guidance came through. 

I have been getting guidance the whole weekend. Occasionally I would see a picture of me doing a particular move, or feel I needed to do a particular move. Many times I would feel that what I did wasn’t enough, and I would have to turn the person over and do a few more things. It felt real good to be that connected and that guided. I’m glad my spirit guides were helping.

I had posted a sign that said I was doing 5-minute chair or table massages for free. With only a few exceptions, I usually went over. In fact, I was averaging about 10 minutes each body. There were the occasional ones where they were up there for 15 minutes. I know some walked away because I was taking too long for them. Some of them came back, but did not wait for me to be free. (If you go away and come back, you run the risk of there being a different body there when you get back.) The thing was that I needed to spend as long as I did on each person to make them feel better. I wasn’t going to give up that time. I may have missed the people that could not wait, but I may be seeing the ones that were on the table in my studio. I could have done less work (or not as good work) and done more people, but that wasn’t my goal. While my goal was to work on as many as I could, it was also to make corrections in each person to alleviate problems that they had. I wasn’t there to do fluff. The kids from the massage school were doing that. (Most people doing chair massage do feel-nice fluff. That is not a bad thing. It relaxes the subject and makes them feel better. What it doesn’t do is correct problems that they have, at least not usually. This is why I didn’t want to work in the chair. I can do so much more in less time with someone on the table.)

There were many cases today where Reiki played a major part of what I did. Everyone got a few seconds of Reiki, but there were a few cases where I knew the massage could only go so far, and I used the energy to complete the healing. 

My wife, Shirley, was there with me the whole day today. She said I sounded like I knew what I was talking about, and came across as believable. Cool. The work on the table spoke for itself. 

One of the last people I worked on told me that this was the best massage she had ever had, and that she had had quite a few. Wow. And this was only for 10 minutes. Actually, it is amazing how many times I heard that over the weekend. If they truly feel that way, maybe I’ll get that influx of business that I have been looking for. 

The real neat stuff was doing the work, being able to see what each person’s problems were, and alter their ‘treatment’ to alleviate or correct them. I haven’t done this since I worked Kay’s psychic fairs. Then I was doing 30-minute massages. Here, the interval was 10 or 15 minutes. It was just such a neat feeling, helping people, being guided to the proper course, and making worthwhile changes. 

Yes, I do know why I like doing this.