It has been about three weeks now, and I am slowly realizing the shock and awe of what has happened. We'll hear about natural disasters causing problems, killing people, disrupting daily lives. And we look at it and wonder and feel concerned. Usually though, it is something that happens on a smaller scale, such as massive rainstorms, snowfall, ice, or various other local happenings to various areas. The surprise and devastation that the tsunami caused is almost unbelievable.
I heard about the tsunami, and just brushed it off as another natural disaster that claimed a lot of lives. Even seeing the few surviving pictures on television, I couldn't understand the impact of what had truly happened. Again it was just like watching rivers flooding due to massive rainstorms, or cars being piled under snowdrifts in the Midwest. But then, these days and nights watching the news and seeing the devastation and the death toll climb, it really put it into perspective. I think when I heard that the death toll reached over 120,000 people (by the time this is actually posted, the death toll is over 200,000) that the significance of what had happened really sank in.
The fact that it happened half a world away, was another matter. If it happened on the east or west coasts of the United States, it would have made a bigger, more immediate impact at least to me, and I think to many others that live in this country.
The shock, and surprise, and swiftness of what happened, is truly amazing. The fact that it could happen so instantly, be so devastating, and be gone so quickly, is something that boggles the mind. The fact that it can also kill so many people in that same period of time is also mind numbing.
Obviously, we want to offer prayers and love to the survivors and victims of the tragedy, but I think there's a broader picture we need to start looking at, and start realizing that it truly is happening. Yes, I'm talking Earth changes again.
Now, people have been talking about Earth changes for decades. The Bible talks of the Apocalypse, other texts talk about other things that are as devastating. For whatever reason, the Earth is changing, whether that be from God's wrath or simply from the way we've treated the planet over the past centuries. For years people have been talking about California falling into the sea. Watching the devastation from the tsunami the other week, makes one think that it truly is possible for California to fall into the sea.
I've heard it said that scientists claim that the Earth's plates tend to shift every so many thousands of years. What happened in Sri Lanka and the entire area around there is a result of one of these plates shifting. The shift caused a movement in the Earth's crust, the result of that causing the tsunami. Now, if the plates in one area can move, why not another? We know that California along the San Andreas fault is an example of two landmasses moving in different directions. The movement, when it happens, causes the earthquakes that California is prone to. Knowing that this is happening, and knowing that there are possibilities for plate shifts, one can easily imagine something dreadful happening, as has been predicted for decades.
If something of this type did happen, and California did fall into the sea, can you imagine the devastation that that would cause not only with loss of lives but with the changes that would make in this country? Think about it for a moment. Most of this country's entertainment is filmed, recorded, and broadcast from California. Granted if such a disaster did occur, all we would be watching on television would be news programs being initiated from New York or Washington.
Forgetting the loss of lives, and the landmasses, and the most major things that would be going on, can you imagine just the changes that would have in our lives alone? Can you imagine turning on television at night and not having any programming to watch, and not expecting any for some time to come? Just the massive impact that this alone would have in our daily lives would hammer home the devastation that occurred. (I’m not saying that the loss of entertainment would be the biggest disaster, only that it would be immediately be noticed, and make the biggest change into people’s daily lives.)
Of course, that has not happened, yet. I truly hope it never does, but I can't say that it won't. The news and devastation of the tsunami has been right in front of us practically every night since it happened, and has taken our attention. But we've also been having massive weather changes at the same time. We've seen storms on the west coast combining together to give massive amounts of rain and massive amounts of snowfall. In many cases the snowfall from these two storms has been more than the average yearly snowfall in the areas that it has hit. Somebody told me last night that there was one place that got 19 feet of snow. Frankly, I couldn't imagine being able to deal with 19 feet of snow.
When tragedies and disasters happen, we look at them, we pray to whatever deities we believe in, and we do what we can to help. It's when I see major disasters happening along with other major problems at the same time, that I start to really believe that the earth changes are here, and are coming, and are going to happen.
From what I've been told, the only way to ward off the earth changes, to not make them so devastating, is to raise the spirituality of the people on the planet. This has been happening, but it needs to continue happening, and it needs to grow.
What can we do to help? First off, we can believe, I mean truly believe. Next, we can raise our vibrations and in doing so help others raise theirs. We have to let go of the things that bother us right now, the niggling little things that happen day in and day out, and set our sights on a higher level. This will be the biggest key of all. Are you up to the task? I hope so. Just remember, we can do it.