January 20, 2005 (Part 1)

I wanted to get this down before I forgot it. I had a dream last night, closer to nightmare, but still a dream. It's one of those dreams that make you wake up shaking, or should.

I remember driving in my car on this highway, probably interstate highway. There were four lanes going in my direction and I didn't see if there were any lanes going in the opposite direction. I wasn't in the left-hand lane, but I was in the one right next to it, the third lane from the right hand side of the road. My speed was somewhere around 50 or 60 mph, and I had caught up to a car on my right and was passing it.

At that point the road was some type of elevated highway or bridge that was curving around to the right. Suddenly, I noticed that the left-hand lane ended. It didn't end with a normal "hi, this lane is ending, merge to the right", it ended with the lane suddenly not being there. As I looked ahead of me, I could see that my lane was ending also (and in the same manner). I sped up so that I could get past the car on my right and into that lane, the second lane from the right. As I had to speed up, I was doing around 70 mph or so. I looked ahead, and saw that this lane was also ending. I moved over to the right hand lane in time and was traveling as the road continued to curve to the right. 

The car kept speeding up. I don't think it was because I was making the car speed up, but that it just was. Somewhere around 80 mph, I started to feel the car slide on the curved road. I couldn't slow down. I wasn't panicked, but I knew if I didn't slow down I'd go off the edge.

The road continued to curve to the right, and my speed continued to increase. Eventually, what I thought what happen, happened. The car slipped sideways off the road and went flying straight ahead as the road curved behind me. As the car flew through the air, I could see bridge pillars that were under construction as well as a lot of concrete trash beneath me, a long way beneath me. 

I knew at that moment, that I had just caused my death. Now the real interesting thing was, that I wasn't afraid at all. I wasn't sitting in the driver's seat with my arms in front of my face fearing the item that the car was about to crash into. I was extremely calm, and accepting. I didn't panic. I didn't notice the feeling one's stomach gets when you're in something that's dropping. I just remember sitting in the driver seat, calm, in total acceptance of the situation. I do remember hoping that it wouldn't hurt too much whenever I got down. But, other than that thought, I felt that I could accept what was happening, and that I was absolutely ready for it.

Now, I don't know too much about dream interpretation, but I think I can make up pretty good guess of what's going on here.

For the last several weeks, I've been extremely stressed. This comes from worrying about making expenses in the business as well as other things. (I’m currently supposed to be in a Health and Retirement show at one of the local malls in a few weeks. Even though I've paid my money and signed contract, I may not be able to go, because since I signed my contract, a day spa has come in to the mall. Unfortunately I've had a lot of expenses toward doing the show. So you can see why that's another reason for being stressed.) With the stress, my legs have been a problem causing me to lose sleep, and causing me back problems. I have been starting to wonder if I'll ever get them under control. I know that a lot of what's keeping me from moving forward, is the fact that I haven't found a way to deal with my legs. I know this is energy related, and I know it is stress related. This is something that needs to be solved for me to move forward, to grow, to be the healer I'm supposed to be. 

Because of my feelings with this, I have been in and out of depression. Lots of times during this period, I felt that my gifts and abilities are slipping away from me and that if I don't get my problem solved, I'll lose them completely. Hmmm, slipping huh? That's starting to sound familiar.

So, if I consider the car my abilities, and it's slipping off the road, getting away from me. It sort of fits with what I have been wondering. Now, I woke up before the car actually did hit anything. Otherwise, I might not be here to be writing this. I woke up, with full realization of what I had just seen. I wasn't shaking, nor was I afraid. The realization was sort of like "oh wow". When you think that I've been wondering if my faith has been strong enough, this is sure a pointer that it had better get so.

Obviously, I had better slow some things down and get things under control, so things don't slip away. Now, if anyone else has any thought to the meaning of this dream, don't hesitate to let me know. I'm open to all interpretations.

So, until next time, you all take care, and keep looking for that sign that says ‘slippery when wet’.