Well it finally happened. I finally got something that I have been waiting almost year to get. I got rubbed.
With the business going slow, I haven’t felt I have had the money to pay for massage, so I have been putting it off for a very long time. (I know, as a healer, I need to take care of myself so I can take care of others. At the same time we all know that just doesn’t happen as it should.) Lately though, I have been dealing with back problems from the way I’ve been sleeping, and occasionally that has been bothering me even though I’m working. Usually my vibration is high enough that I don’t notice the problems that my body is having, but this was getting strong enough that it worked its way through. I know when that happens, it’s time to have something done about it.
I went to see one of my Reiki students who has a massage studio just up the street from me. She worked on me for quite a bit more than an hour and even with my restless leg problem, I was extremely calm and relaxed and able to lay there and get worked on for the entire time. After she was done, I felt more relaxed than I had in a long time.
Although I didn’t have a body that day I was more than relaxed and ready to deal with the one I had the next day.
While she was working on me, my friend and I talked quite a bit. During this time she told me she was suffering from TMJ and that one of the girls that works for her would be going out to get some gloves and working on her later. She was obviously having this person work both the inside and outside of the jaw. I offered to do little work on her when she was done working on me. She told me that she didn’t have any gloves. I told her didn’t matter as I was planning and using my elbow. As you can imagine this caused a very surprised look on her face as one doesn’t expect to use elbows around one’s jaw and face.
After I got up, I had her lay down on her side and did some of the Lomi Lomi stretching moves to her shoulder and neck. I then went in with my elbow and did the Lomi Lomi move specifically for TMJ. After that I did some other stuff that just sort of came to me but felt like the right things to be doing. When I was done, she told me she could now open her mouth all the way, which is something she could not do before. Cool.
As she gets regular massages because she schedules trades with her people, she had been thinking about getting a Reiki session from me in trade for the massage session I was getting from her. But, after I had worked on her, she was thinking more of getting a massage session just to see what I do. I’ll have to let you know how that turns out whenever she calls me and schedules.
I’m finding it very need how quickly I can make changes to somebody’s body to affect healing using the Lomi Lomi techniques I learned a couple months ago. The neat thing is, it surprises people that I can make the changes that quickly. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to throw in a little Reiki here and there.