I just had a very good energy session. I had a young lady in for a chakra balancing. Yes, that’s right. She knew before coming in here that she needed a chakra balancing.
Unusual as it is, this person knew about her chakras and what they needed before she called me. She had studied yoga, and with it studied the chakras. She has been trying to do a chakra balancing on her own for a little while, but couldn’t. what she got was a chakra balancing, and a lot more. Her story was the reason.
She was born and raised in this area, and had moved to Canada a couple years ago to be with her lover. After two yeas of being together, he decided to breakup. Not having anyone up there, she came back here. As you may well expect, she is fairly emotionally unstable (who isn’t nowadays). Needless to say, there was a lot more out of whack than her chakras needing balancing.
I first checked for blocked chakras. I found three, throat (communication), sternum (thought processes), and center (emotional, duh). But after clearing the center chakra, there was still a block. I found it between her sternum and center chakras and removed it. Next I added some Reiki to replace what I removed.
After that, I did the chakra balancing. It took a bit longer than it usually does as they were all way out from center. I pushed and prodded and cajoled, until all of them finally fell into place.
Feeling that her back was sore, and her admitting it, I did Lomi Lomi pressure treatment to the upper half of her on the back side. I just kept feeling like there was more that needed doing. We talked for a little more and I knew what she needed.
I took her through the Sanctuary meditation. (This is where one creates a safe place to go to where it is possible to shut out the world and be calm.) Inside she said she found an old library (similar to the one from the movie “Ever After”). I told her that the next time she goes back there to start looking at the books. I felt that she would see as I did when I did this meditation, that each book in this library would be about her. These are her experiences, and she needed to sort through them to get rid of those that she did not need. She also needed to strip all the emotion from them so they couldn’t affect her now.
I did one more thing, I took her through a meditation to set up key words. (Key words are like hypnotic triggers that one uses on themselves to change their behavior at the moment.) She set up words to help her calm when she gets emotional, and to help her calm when she gets angry. I feel these are what she needs most.
I felt she needed more, but there was only so much I could do at once. She was also very limited on money. As it was I only charged her for the chakra balancing as that was all she was expecting to pay in the first place. (I may do more things than a client is expecting when they get here. If I do it is because they need it. However, if I do, I usually don’t charge them for it as they were not expecting to pay for more things. No, I’m not the auto mechanic that will look under the hood and tell you that you need a new engine to go with the oil change you wanted done.)
So, I’m feeling pretty good that I was able to help someone go out with a positive attitude, feeling much better than they had when they came in. but, isn’t that what I’m here for anyway?