Ups and downs. Ups and downs. I really wish I could find my way off this roller coaster. Did anyone see the exit the last time we went past?
I know I’ve talked on this before, but seeing as I climbed back on for some reason, I guess I’ll bend your ear a little more about it.
For a while now, I’ve noticed that my mood has been tied to the business, and understandably. When I sit in the shop all day and don’t get to work on a body, it gets very depressing. Now, granted, there are other things to do, and I usually spend those days doing them (things like writing journal entries). (It’s the days when I really have nothing to do and I stick a DVD into the computer that it gets really bad.) But even though I get done work that I probably would be lagging behind on otherwise, I still miss that chance to do some real work.
One of my teachers used to tell me that she didn’t feel right unless she did at least one massage in a day. It was very hard for her to go through a day where she didn’t do any healing. I know exactly how she felt. It is such a great thing to be able to help someone either by the physical bodywork, or the energy work. And doing that is such a great high. When it doesn’t happen (like today), my mood nose dives.
When that happens, it makes it hard to deal with everyday problems. This evening when I left the shop, I went out to bring in my sign. I have this sign that I had made up many months back. It cost me $26. I put it out near the street each morning and bring it in each evening. There are sign regulations that say what I am doing is illegal, but I still do it. Well, when I went out to get it today, it was gone.
Now I have had this sign since August, and had no trouble. I have been told three times in the last week that the people telling me were surprised that it hadn’t been taken. I knew that was a warning, but I ignored it. You see, that sign was the #2 source of new business coming into the shop. I figure that with all the push to have the area be ‘real special’ for the Super Bowl here in two weeks, the ‘authorities’ came by and collected it. What irritates me is that they don’t give any warning. They just take it.
Now, I know I should be grateful for the long time that it was there, and for the business that it has brought in. And I know I should feel lucky that it has lasted this long. But what I feel is depressed and angry. The #2 source of new business just vanished. And if I replace it, I will just be throwing more money away, at least if I do it anytime soon. Ok, so today was a low day.
I am really looking forward to tomorrow. I have two bodies scheduled. One is prepaid as it is a gift certificate. But it is still healing work. And healing work is its own reward. And any work I do is like an audition to get more, so it is all positive. The second body will be an hour and a half session, all the better.
Friday, I also have two bodies scheduled as well. So Friday will be a high. I’m teaching Reiki 1 Sunday, another high. (The beauty with this class is that although I only have one student, I asked my client from yesterday to come in and be a body, and she was thrilled by the idea. Cool, huh?) Next week, I hope to get slammed. With crowds pouring into town for the Super Bowl, many expect all service organizations to be maxxed out, even as far from downtown as I am. I hope they’re right. I leave for Sedona on Friday morning. It would be nice to have a very good week.
But, tomorrow is empty. Well, I guess I’m going to have to manifest some bodies into there. Ok, now, everyone… 1... 2... 3... Manifest!