It was almost exactly a week ago, I had a very strange dream that involved me driving off the edge of a bridge. Interestingly enough, this morning I got an e-mail from my friend in Ireland. Terri wanted to know if I was okay. It seems, she had had a strange dream last night, and was concerned for my well-being.
You know how you have those nights where you go through one dream, and then another, and then another. Sometimes they're all related, sometimes not. Sometimes the same dream over and over again yet somewhat different. Well she was having one of them.
And she recalled it, she'd gotten a phone call from somebody with an American accent. The connection was not very good, and it was hard to hear what was being said. Through all the scratches and noise on the line, she finally made out that she was being told, that somebody had died. Suddenly, she was very alert and asking “who, who” several times. Something in a dream switched, and she heard my name. At that moment, she woke up shaking.
No, I know that dreams or sometimes prophetic, and oftentimes training for the mind. I don't think it was the fact that she had the dream, but that she had a dream so close to the time I had my dream. Realistically, it was a bit daunting. After all, how many times do I say that there are no coincidences?