July 9, 2005

I had an interesting healing session today. I did an outcall to an assisted living community to work on an 88 year old gentleman. 

John was not doing too well. He has bone cancer in his right leg, and it is broken as well. The doctors are thinking that radiation might help, but they won’t do it until he regains some strength. That is where I come in.

I was contacted by his daughter a couple weeks ago from Washington, DC. She had asked about massage and Reiki. Her father used to get massage, and she felt he would like that as well as the energy. I was concerned because in all the texts I’ve seen, massage is contraindicated (not recommended as it will make the illness worse) for cancer. She said she would talk to the doctor and get back to me.

She called last night, and told me that the doctor had agreed that to the Reiki and the massage, feeling that the touch would energize him. So, I had gone in planning on doing a half hour massage and some Reiki.

When I got there, I questioned John’s wife and daughter, and they asked him if he wanted massage. He said yes. It took three nurses to turn him over, and get him onto the massage table. After five minutes of light touch massage, he said he needed to stop. John had not laid on his stomach for a long time. So, it took three nurses to turn him over again and back onto the bed.

At that point, I started doing Reiki. After a few minutes, he was complaining about his right side hurting. I moved to there and continued to do Reiki. The more I did, the more he said that his side hurt. I was starting to wonder if it was from was I was doing. I knew it shouldn’t have been, but for some reason, I was wondering. 

John’s daughter talked to the nurse, and found out that in turning him over, they put pressure on his ribs which put pressure on his internal organs. This was what made him hurt. Ok, so it wasn’t me making him worse. I was concerned that I wasn’t focused enough, and concentrated on becoming a very open and hollow pipe for the energy to come through. I connected to my guides for whatever help they could give me. 

Reiki energy flowed, and started reducing John’s pain. I know that the energy will go where it is needed, and his soul will decide what it should do with it. Then I suddenly had a flash. The date July 25th went before my ‘eyes’. I don’t know that this means what I am thinking. And that doesn’t mean things can’t change. It was just real unnerving. 

I’m expecting that they will be calling me to go back to do more Reiki. All I can do is continue to do Reiki, and let what will be to be, knowing it is all for the highest good (whichever way it goes).

I did one more thing before I left. John’s daughter had taken Reiki 1 about 10 years ago, and had been trying to send Reiki to her father from her home. (I had actually explained the process over the phone two weeks ago, and she had been following that.) Since I had her there with me, I gave her the Reiki 2 attunement and showed her how to send distant Reiki. I know this is not how I usually work, but something urged me to do it. She didn’t receive any other training, and she didn’t receive a certificate. She just got the attunement so she can help from her home in DC. I felt it was the right thing to do, and that my guides wanted me to do it.