Well, so much for the low profile. Someone had said that there are lots of dark things going around now and that us lightworkers should be keeping our heads down.
Apparently, we are going through some planetary shift that I limiting the energies available to us right now. I don’t know all the details, but a good astrologer could fill in the blanks. The word is that at the end of August things will be entering a new phase. With this phase, there will be a whole lot of new energies available to people that know how to use them.
But until that time, there is an abundance of darkness out there. I’m told we should be keeping low, and straying of the radar. Hmm, pushing a storm around? Chasing a dark entity out of someone? I think I blew my low profile status. J Oh well, I guess I should just fill myself with light as darkness can’t survive there.