I had another busy day again, after a beginning of the day cancellation.
I was scheduled for a client at 10am this morning, and she was waiting at the studio when I got there. She told me that she had been at the dermatologist. While there, he had decided to freeze a couple spots on her back. Hmmm. The problem with that is that these spots will take three to four weeks to clear up. So, that appointment got postponed for a month.
Next, I went out to see John, and do more Reiki on him. I was shocked at the changes in him. He was coherent. He was up and dressed. He was a totally different person than I had seen last time I was there. Cool. The doctor had been wanting to use radiation on the cancer in his leg, but had been holding off to see if he got strong enough to be able to handle it. They have now decided to go ahead with that as he is so much stronger than when I saw him last.
I did a full Reiki session on him, with him thanking me as I worked, at least when he was awake. He drifted right off once the Reiki hit him.
On the way back from there, I got a call and booked two massages session for the evening. One was an hour, the other, 90 minutes.
As soon as I pulled up in front of my door, the lady in the office next door asked if I could do a massage. That turned out to be a 90 minute session also.
So today, I had once cancellation, one Reiki session, one hour long massage, and two 90 minute massages. Cool. After starting out the week with a day that I did nothing, this was a welcome change.