I did two massage sessions today, but the first one was a very bad experience.
As I say, I work on anyone, male or female. But once in a blue moon (or maybe four or five blue moons), I get a client that is a problem. Unfortunately, each one of those has been male.
In two of those cases, when I went to work on the stomach area, and I undraped them to the waist, they undraped themselves further. Since the stomach is the last thing I do, I covered them back up, finished quickly and ended the session. The other just made rude motions the whole time he was on the table, and then afterwards asked about testicle massage. (I suggested he should be more self motivated.)
This one today didn't do anything outwardly inappropriate, but he made me very, very nervous.
Something set me off the minute this person walked in the door. He was working over this side of town temporarily, filling in at an office nearby. He saw the sign outside and decided to come in. After asking the price, he asked for a session. I don't know why, but I was very nervous. I'm not saying that I was nervous enough that he would have picked it up, but I was definitely not balanced. (Of course there are those that would say I'm not balanced anyway.)
When I was working the back side of his body, he kept bouncing his hips up and down. He was not grinding his hips, but it was still unnerving. After I flipped him over I worked his arms. I would slide one hand up the length of his arm on the outside, bring it back and then use the other hand for the inside. Each time I brought a hand back, he made moves to grab it. At one point, I started holding his wrist in a pin so he couldn't. Each time I would change hands, I would keep him pinned.
As I worked the rest of him, he kept making noises that I would describe as in a sexual act. And yes, it bugged the hell outta me.
I finished the session, but it was seven minutes short of an hour. I still charged him for the hour, but gave him the new client discount. He tipped me the discount amount. He left, and I marked his file so I would know that I will never let him in the door again.
First off, I don't understand it. I'm not a young, slim, cute, Backstreet Boy. I'm not a hot love interest. If I were, the women would probably be doing the same thing (or not).
But the main problem is not about this happening, but about carrying on afterward. When something like this happens, it really messes up my energies. I mean, it leaves me off balance, depressed, and hurt. After all, I'm not in this business for sex. I'm in it for healing. When I think that someone came in to get off, when I'm there for healing, well that just totally screws up my energies.
I mean, I don't have to worry about women. I've never had a female client do something inappropriate, and the joke is that I have worked on some women without draping per their request (something I won't do with a male because of episodes like this). Part of what could happen is that I could get very paranoid about working on men. Then my energies would be so bad that I'd be broadcasting what I don't want to see happening. I can't work that way either.
As it was, my next client was a male. Had I had enough time to call and cancel, I would have as I was not in the right mood. Fortunately, it was someone I had worked on a few times before. I called a friend and talked a few minutes between clients. That helped me clear a bit, something that is very hard after that type of experience.
I don't know what I can do about it. I guess I need to find a way to let it go when it happens. I also need to change the energies that I put out there. I guess I need to be more specific in what type of clients I want to attract. I guess I'll have to give that some thought.