June 13, 2005

I worked on someone from out of town with massive rotator cuff damage in her right shoulder. Although I see a lot of people that have shoulder problems, I have not seen anyone with this much damage.

I worked on her for good 90 minutes, using everything I could from Swedish, to Lomi Lomi, to Reiki. I spent a lot of time working her back and shoulders, especially the one that was injured. I did a lot of forearm moves down the back and down the body while I listened to a good deal of moaning and "oh yes".

When I was done, after she was able to get up off the table, she was totally amazed at how good she felt. She told me she could do things with her arm now that she hadn't been able to do in a long, long time. Cool. She kept telling me that I'm a miracle worker. (I don't know why people keep telling me this. As I keep saying, miracles are not my bailiwick. Those belong to some other entity.)

I'm just glad she felt better than she had when she laid down on the table. I'm very glad that she felt as good as she did. Doing this type of work has such a great sense of accomplishment because there is immediate feedback. I love it.