I ask my students to fill out a form at the end of each class (that is if I remember) which rates the material and the instructor. It also asks for more comments, and I seem to get the same one from some people – ‘the classroom is too small’.
Admittedly, I teach at my studio, and the largest area I have is my treatment room. The room is 10 x 14, but has a cabinet, a small storage area, and a table that holds fountains, stereo, and a rock cooker. So, although it sounds large (and looked it when I was moving into it) it is a bit cramped for several students. To teach four, and set up two tables, they each need to be against the walls. With Reiki 2, it is not as bad, but it is still crowded.
Unfortunately, the space is the space. I have nowhere else to teach at short of my home. I used to teach there all the time, but since I rent out the office space for the business, I prefer to do all business there. Besides, some people actually feel better coming to an office rather than a person’s home.
I have thought about renting out a conference room should I ever get a class large enough, but with three or four or even six students, conference space can be too expensive. Let’s say that I have four students, and go to one of the local hotels to get a room for the day. If they charge $100, then I have just spent one-quarter of what I am taking in to have more space. If I actually had six to 10 students, that cost would be worth while. But I haven’t had a class that size yet (at least not where we needed more than two tables).
So, I guess for the time being, I will be asking students to be patient and deal with the space that I have. Maybe some day, I’ll be renting a larger office where I will be able to have more students. But right now, I am just looking at trying to make rent as it is, and that is not the full amount as my sister-in-law rents out the other room from me. As clientele grows, things may change. Right now, I am happy where I am. The place is nice and the energies wonderful. When the time comes to do something else, that will happen.