March 19, 2005

I've talked a lot about the stresses I go through. Lately, I've been looking at society and seeing the pressures it has been putting on people. Pressure has been so bad that people more than ever are looking for ways to escape, including suicide. So, the big question is... What do you do to escape?

We all need some type of release, some method of blowing off steam. We need to stay grounded. Many people will watch TV in the evenings to help them forget about their problems while getting into the dramatic and comedic goings on of other people. It’s the ones that go into programs that deal with things of other realms (like science fiction) that have the most need for escape. 

An interesting thing I have noticed is that government workers seem to be a class of people that has a huge need to escape. Most of them, because of the confines of what they can or can’t do in their jobs, seek other ways to channel their creative energies. They don’t get to use them on the job. So they look elsewhere. 

Escape can be anything that takes you away from what is going on in your day to day life, anything that makes you let loose of the office, or problems with the family. That escape can be physical or mental. One could go read a good book, or spend time knitting. One could be creative and do crafts, or landscaping, or other projects. 

Meditation provides a good escape for many. So can fishing, which if nothing more seems like meditation. One spends a lot of quiet time on the water in a peaceful environment. What could be better? 

When we lived in Maryland, I used to like to spend time in my vegetable garden. It was a fairly large garden, some 32 feet by 64 feet. I would get out there in the spring and till up the ground so it was nice and soft for planting. Then I would buy plants and seeds, and organize them where I wanted them. As the weeks went by, I would spend time watering and weeding until we were getting produce. There was nothing I liked more than being able to go out into the garden and pick dinner. (I tried doing the same thing here in Florida, but I can’t seem to get anything to grow here.)

Sometimes the need to escape has to turn into a physical thing like walking, or jogging, or many types of sports. But sometimes that physical release needs to be a little more directed. Sometimes it is necessary to feel like one is striking back to get the release one needs. Some people do this by going bowling. To them, nothing feels better than to throw something and knock something down. 

I know people that go out with others and make ‘war’ armed with paintball guns. They get to shoot ‘the enemy’ and win the battle. Here is a way to move into a quasi-violent method of release where one doesn’t get hurt. 

I even know people that get dressed in black leather, tie each other up, and use whips on them. And although this may be on the far side of social normality, believe it or not, this is a very healing escape from the current reality. They tell me that the stresses of the moment make them forget about current events, and when those stresses are over, they feel peace and calm. I even know one lady that does this work with an emphasis on healing. It may be extreme to do this type of escape, but for some, it works.

My wife and I used to go to a lot of science fiction conventions (cons for short). She is very talented, and created some very nice looking costumes. So, we would wear these costumes while at the cons. It was neat to be able to go be someone else for a weekend. The really fun part was to go to nearby malls or restaurants in costume and freak out the ‘normal’ people. 

So, as you can see, there are many ways to ease the pressures of the day to day grind. Some can be simple, while others can be extremely elaborate. What do you do to escape? If your answer is ‘nothing’, then I suggest it is time to find something. 

Again, we need to find balance in what we do. Without that, we burn out, and eventually self destruct. So, your mission, should you decide to accept it (and I suggest you do) is to find something to relieve the stress and tension that comes form everyday life. Find your balance. Be grounded (and still fly).