May 19, 2005

I did a Reiki session today that ended up involving a lot of crystals.

A lady came in that had been telling me she needed to see me for months. Finally, the stress levels got to the point that she came in. She realized that she is filled with stress about her children. (Raising children is not easy. It’s even worse when you’re a single mother.) Her case was the classic situation where she was so deep into it, she couldn’t see past the current problem. She needed to step back, and look at things from above, but was so wrapped up that she could not do that. She needed some type of relaxation.

I started working Reiki on her, and something made me look at the crystals around the room. I immediately went for my standard ‘healing’ rocks (two clear quartz crystals, an amethyst, and two stones that my teacher brought form Maine that are a mixed bag), and placed them around her. Then I saw the goldstone, and put that in her right hand (this is as I felt it needed to be). I thought about getting the blue goldstone and putting it in her left hand, but I felt called to another shelf of rocks. I felt the rhodonite wanted to be in her other hand (it wanted to come play). 

Finally, I felt the angelite (a relatively new stone to my collection) wanted to be in on the session as well. I placed that on her midsection. Then I went back to Reiki, telling her that I wanted her to clear her mind, and just let the calmness flow through her.

After a few minutes, she told me that she was really straining to clear her mind. This was not something I wanted. If she was straining, then she wasn’t relaxing or healing. I told her to see a blank white wall. In the middle of the wall was a black dot. I told her to focus on that dot and nothing else. 

After a couple minutes, she told me that there were things blocking her from the wall, and that she could not see it. I tried to have her clear it, but she could not. (Her stress was letting in unwanted thoughts, and she could not stop it.) I finally counted her down into an almost trance state. I started at ten, and told her with each number she would go deeper. (This is how I take people into a meditation. I have them bring in the colors of the chakras, then I take them down form ten to one.) 

When I reached one, I went back to doing Reiki. She was quiet and peaceful. At one point, she fell asleep. 

When ii finished, I brought her back up from her trance-like state. She looked at me strangely. When I asked what was wrong, she told me that her mind was calm. She was having trouble realizing what was going on. When it came to her, her eyes opened up wide. She said she was so calm that she didn’t recognize that state of mind. Wow. 

When she left, she was extremely calm, to the point that she couldn’t remember being that way before. 

Since the angelite is new to me, I didn’t know what it is for. I just went on instinct (and you can read that as guidance). As it turns out, angelite does a couple of things. It helps one communicate with the higher spirits. Another way of saying that is it helps one communicate with angels. Something else it does is to calm a person to the extreme. Hmmm, well, it seems to have done that here. Cool.