November 19, 2005

Well, I have finally come out of my hole. What hole you might ask. Well the one that I was in while I as chained to the computer making massive changes to the website.

For a while now I have wanted to make changes to the Reiki side of the site so that it looked more like the massage side, at least in feel and movement. Once I decided what I wanted to do, I started doing it in the same format, and ran headlong into the problem I had with the massage side... tables. 

When I set up the three columns, I used a thing called tables. You set up text in the columns. The problem is that they balance themselves out based on the width of the screen and the screen resolution. If the width I narrower, one of the columns may not start til mid screen, not what I wanted. So I came up with the way it needed to be done. I used another technique called frames.

Frames is neat. I put the menu down the left hand side and only need to change it once if a change is needed, as opposed to changing it on every page. It is smarter, but there are some browsers that can’t handle it. I guess if you’re reading this now, yours can. J 

Then I realized a major flaw in my plan. If I did the Reiki side with frames, I’d have to go back and change the massage side. Oh well, I guess nothing’s perfect. 

So after a good couple of weeks, the Reiki site has had it’s major update, and the massage side had changed in what was used to work it. The only thing not complete are the journal entries. They will appear in the old format (yet in the new window) until I can change them all. And you know what? There are so many of them that it’s not going to happen anytime soon.

At any rate, I hope you enjoy the ‘new look and feel’ of the site. All the same information is there, but it’s a lot easier and prettier to use. Enjoy.