I had been going up to an assisted living community to do Reiki on one of the people there. John’s daughter had contacted me from Washington, DC to go in and work on him. I had done that several times until her brother told her that it was not affordable. She called me today to let me know that he had died.
When I started working on John, he was very lethargic and not really with it. After his first Reiki treatment, he skyrocketed up so he was coherent, moving around, doing things other than just lying in the bed. When his treatments stopped, he plummeted down again.
It seemed that the Reiki energy, and that alone was what was holding him up where he was. But it also seemed like he had reached a plateau, and could not go higher. We talked about his living will and that he had stated that there should be no extraordinary means used to keep him alive. And we thought that maybe Reiki could be considered extraordinary means.
What he may have gotten from the treatments was to ability to spend a little more cognizant time with his wife and family. I think the rest was stored to travel to the other side.
His daughter was called two Friday s ago and told that they thought that this might be the end. She talked with John by phone and told him she was coming down. She got in the next day, and spent most of the day with him. It seemed he held on long enough for her to get there and be there for a while. (John and his daughter were very close.) Then, toward the end of the day, John passed.
Sometime earlier this week, I was prompted to call his daughter and ask how he was doing. Today’s call from her was a response to that. She told me how much he enjoyed getting the energy I passed on to him. I think he and I were both disappointed when I couldn’t return.
I know John’s time had come. I was not surprised when it happened. I hope that what energy I had passed him, helped him get through to his destination. What energy I send now, goes to his family. My sympathies are with them.