October 7, 2005 (Part 2)

After my student had left this morning, the two Ukrainian ladies had stopped by to say goodbye. I have not known them long, but will miss them.

The mother wanted to have a picture of herself with me. It is a tradition in the Ukraine that a teacher have a picture of herself with her teacher hanging on the wall in their studio. Wow. I truly feel honored. Of course I told her that a picture of me is more likely to scare people away than anything else. 

She then asked me to check her chakras one last time before she left. I started doing a balancing, then ended up channeling white light to and through each chakra. This was some massive energy work. She was so thrilled that I had done that.

The daughter was just so happy that I was there and willing to fulfill her mother’s dreams. I’m glad I was too. 

The mother asked if she could e-mail me questions once she learns English. I told her what I tell everyone, I don’t take a student’s money and run. I am always here for questions. If I can answer them I will. If I don’t know the answer, I might be able to point them in the right direction to find the answer. 

She told me that when I answer her questions, since she will be learning English, to answer as simply as I can. Now, what was that line from ‘Forest Gump’? Ahh, yes. “Simple is as simple does.”

There were a lot of hugs and kisses, and then they headed out the door. They were both a lot of fun, and had a lot of great energy. I will miss them. I hope they get in touch through e-mail soon.