My landlord brought her son over today as he was in great need of work. His comments were priceless.
He had a big knot in his back that was keeping him for doing most everything. In fact, it was causing him so much trouble at work, he wasn't able to work, and he lost his job.
I started with some Lomi Lomi compressions which seemed to loosen the muscle just a little bit. When I felt I couldn't do anything more with that, I switched over to Reiki.
He was laying on his side while I was working on him with Reiki. He was pulling a ton of energy and my hands were getting very hot. He asked what I was using to create the heat. I told him it was just my hands. He seemed to accept this for the time being.
I was talking to his mother a little while later and she told me that when left here, he headed out to an appointment with his doctor. On the way there he called his mother and asked her what I had been putting on him to create the heat. She told him "just his hands". His response was "Really? I thought he was kidding me."
When he got to his doctor, he told him what I'd done, and how much and it helped him. He told his doctor how my hands got so hot they felt like a heating pad. His doctor's response was "sure, right." So much for modern medicine's willingness to accept other modalities.