October 13, 2005

My landlord's assistant was having some pretty bad pain today, so she came over to see me.

I did a little massage, and a good deal of Reiki. As I worked, and the pain left one area, it went to another. She kept telling me where it was going to, and I kept following it trying to make it go away. She was starting to panic a little bit because she'd never seen pain move from one place to another. It was like chasing an insect running around in her body.

I told her to relax as I had seen this happen many times before. She trusted me and calmed quite a bit. When I was finally done with her, she had been through quite a bit. She still hurt a little bit, and she was very much out of it. I honestly didn't know how much good I had done, if any. I walked her to the door where she went out in walked next door to her office. My client in the waiting room was asking how far she had to go as she was concerned with her ability to get there.

When I was able to check in with her later, she told me that she had sat at her desk for about 10 minutes, and then suddenly all the pain was gone and she was very much awake and alert. Wow. I know sometimes it takes time for everything to get processed, but this was phenomenal. It was also very neat.