October 24, 2005

So much for big expectations. Last week was great. This week was a disaster.

After having hope, and a record number of bodies (11) in the shop last week, this week has gone in the opposite direction. 

I started out with four appointments set. As the days went by, three of those appointments had to cancel. They cancelled for legitimate reasons, and some made other appointments, but they cancelled just the same. I didn’t get a lot of phone calls either. I did have a male walk into the shop each day (a different one each day). Each one looked at me, took some literature, and then left. (I need someone in here that can hold onto these people.)

So the bottom line this week is that I worked on one person. Don’t get me wrong, this one person was in need, and I enjoyed working on them. But I need more people in here to keep paying rent. 

So I went from a record high last week with 11 bodies, to a low this week with one. I know things are supposed to balance, but I hadn’t hoped it would balance this way.