What is it with people? Why do they think that their properties are worth more than their lives?
With every storm that goes through, I see the same thing. I see people being interviewed on TV telling the reporters how they will ride out the storms in their houses and their properties as if their being there will make the difference of whether the property will survive.
I have seen the televised aftermath of Katrina. I have seen people wandering around lost. I saw the man that couldn’t hold on to his wife’s hand as their house split in two. I have felt sorrow, and cried tears, enough so that I could not watch it anymore. What makes their staying with their property so important that it is worth what they are going through now?
I used to work at a company where they convinced people that their work was more important than their lives. When a category 4 hurricane came up the coast, most of the people didn’t leave. This caused the people that needed to move computer equipment out of harms way unable to do their jobs even though the company was closed. This attitude caused one person a heart attack. She died later at the doctor’s office. If one of her coworkers hadn’t forced her to go, it would have happened at her desk. Come on people!
Your life and the lives of your families are not worth that extra bit of accounting or that extra code on your program to make the company more profit, especially since none of it will filter to your level. One of the stories of the last person pulled out of the rubble of the World Trade Center was that her boss told them to stay at the desks because the airplane hitting the other building didn’t affect them. Duh!
I saw on the news last night where they were talking to some man that had something to do with this historic pier in Daytona. (It houses some large building that has a restaurant and other things in it.) They showed pictures where one storm had taken 400 feet off this pier, and where another had taken another 300 feet off of it. This man was going to ride out this storm so nothing would happen. Huh?! What is he going to do, run out there with a hammer and some nails if the thing starts to fall?
I understand one doesn’t want to lose their property. I understand the devastation and loss that is (although I have never been through it myself). But isn’t it worth more to still have your life? As bad as I am health-wise or physically, I know that I can’t help others unless I take care of myself. The older one gets the more one realizes that. J
Your lives, and the lives of your families are more important than any house, job, property, or anything else. Please, if trouble is headed your way, be smart. Get out if you can. Live. See your children grow up. I put out to the universe with all hope that you do the right thing for yourselves and families. And that you stay in the light.