For years now, I have been told by several people that I will eventually end up in the hills of Virginia or North Carolina. It is from there that I will watch (or survive) the earth changes. One of the people that told me this said that when the calling comes, “don’t ignore it.” Seeing the destruction wrought by the hurricane last week, I had several gut feelings about what ever warning I might get.
Now, I was born under the sign of Taurus, and most people that know me, know I tend to hang onto a lot of characteristics from that. I can be stubborn. I need things proven to me to believe them. Sometimes I can be downright impossible to move. This is how it was over nine years ago when my wife told me that her company had decided to move its offices from Baltimore to Jacksonville.
There was a long period of hemming and hawing as her company was trying to be fair with people. They were asking them if they would move if the company offered. The reason for this was because if the company offered a job in Jacksonville, and the employee refused to move, then they wouldn’t get any separation benefits. So they were finding out who was willing to move before offing positions. This way, they knew not to offer positions to those that did not want to move, and those people would get benefits.
We really didn’t want to move. I had family there. We had friends there. My job was there, a job I had been at for four years, one that I was happy with. We were a 10 hour drive from my wife’s family in Ohio. But then, push came to shove, and we were shoved real hard.
My company had over extended itself, and eventually went out of business. Try as I might, finding another job was not easy. You see, even computer people get specialized, and the changing technologies at the time made it even harder. So, we had to make a decision, and that decision was to go south. It wasn’t a decision we wanted to make, but one we felt forced to make. Basically, we felt forced out of Baltimore.
As it turned out, it was not all bad. Being here enabled me to get training that I would not have where we had been. It allowed me to learn things and help people. Eventually, it allowed me to open this business. But I know that eventually, the time will come when we have to leave here to go to whatever place we need to be next. This is hard for me as I grew up in a small town in Maryland, and lived in the area all my life. As a Taurus, I like things stable, something that they won’t be for some time to come.
When I saw people being forced out of their homes in New Orleans and Biloxi, I knew that this is something that will happen to us here. my gut was telling me that eventually, there will be a storm that forces us to evacuate, and there will be nothing left to return to. Like I said, I’m stubborn, and I need to be forced to do some things, like leave.
As I was discussing this with a friend, she was asking about my ‘gut feelings’. Now and then, I get these that hit me at a very deep level. I remember watching a program many years ago that dealt with prophecy. Although terribly over acted in the dramatic sense, the information was good and interesting. At one point, they showed an underground shelter where a group of people could spend several years hiding from problems that could be plaguing the planet. When they showed a picture of the entranceway, I had this immediate and powerful feeling that if these people went inside, they would never come out. It was like a knowledge.
When I saw people marching into the superdome in New Orleans, I knew that if the storm hit it with the eye, there would be major damage to it. But the eye didn’t hit. The storm moved so that the eye did not go there. Why did the storm move? Because there were a lot of energy workers pushing it.
My friend pointed out that my gut feelings of premonition (and I really don’t like using this word), can be changed. That actually makes it like any other information that a psychic gets. It is energy that has been read. That energy is changeable. Once we see what will happen, we can change it. Maybe we can make it not as bad. Maybe it can give us enough warning to get out of the way of problems coming, or to deflect those problems.
The bottom line was that no matter how sure I am about my gut feelings, they are something that can be changed, as long as I work with them. So, I guess nothing is set in stone. More likely, things are set in silly putty. We need to be willing to mold them into something better than they are. I guess that can be said about life as well. Hmm, maybe its time to start molding. One thing about silly putty… it bounces strangely. Then again, so do we.