Did you ever consider anger as an energy? I mean an energy that seemed to have its own mind and will? I think I saw that today, and it was astonishing.
I was driving to the shop today and something felt really strange. I kept remembering something that had taken place some 12 years ago. I remember I was running security at a science fiction convention, and was trying to keep a crowd honest. They all wanted to be first in the autograph line, and were pushing the boundaries. It didn’t get ugly, but there was a degree of anger involved with it.
Rather than letting this scene replaying itself in my mind get me angry, I stopped and wondered why I should be thinking about that now. I figured that I wasn’t angry about anything, and that there was no reason to be mad about anything, and that this was not something to be concerned with now. I let it go. I let go of the energies as best as I could.
There was still some anger around so I cleansed and calmed extra well when I got to the shop.
A little while later, I went over to the landlord’s office to visit. I was talking with the landlord’s assistant, and I don’t remember what we were talking about. All of a sudden, she burst into a tirade of anger. Again, I didn’t get dragged into it. In fact, I just calmed and stayed as neutral as I could be. After a few minutes, it was over.
Wow. I was truly surprised. It was as if something had just pushed a button and she went off.
If I were to look at it objectively, I could almost say that there was some anger energy floating around out there, and it was looking for someone to land in. (I remember this old Star Trek episode where some entity had transported Klingons to the Enterprise where they fought with the crew with swords. The entity made this situation happen because it thrived off of the energies produced by hate and anger.)
That was how it seemed today. It was as though something was looking for someone to funnel their anger through, and they didn’t care who it was. Now (just as John Edward says), most spirits have access to all our memories. If they want us to see something or feel something, they can bring up memories that we aren’t thinking of. This can happen even if these memories are old and unimportant. I’m actually wondering if that was what was happening today.
There have been theories that there are ‘good’ entities and ‘bad’ entities. The ‘bad’ entities would go around spreading fear and anger. I’m starting to think that this is more than just theory. As I have said before, as empaths, when we feel an emotion, sometimes we need to ask if it is ours or not. Maybe we all need to start doing this rather than get caught up in the flow.
Well, I guess that serves as your chilling thought for bedtime tonight. Take care.